Wooo, some you ladies need to learn the game, y'all losing. ~Signs to tell he still loves his baby momma ~. women are spiteful ****. (Explained!). Think about that before you waste your time wondering if he cares for you and what is going on. As far as love goes I love him to the degree that my daughter loves him and he's important to her so since I love her I care about him. And sometimes despite how horrible a person the ex is, some people just never let go or move on. Depending on how the relationship ended you can still be great friends, both involved parents, both civil enough to talk about kids issues, or still friends enough to have a quick chat once in a while, but that doesn't mean you still love her or want her back. He is comfortable with u. Im in a similar situation but as the baby momma. You can read more about me and my website here. But be very aware when every move the baby mama makes requires input from your man. Nope. He made little jokes like what if it's a boy ? Continue with this affair or just drop get rid of him and say it's over finally over you had enough of this and you want out and you will call the police on him if he doesn't leave you alone. Miss Lucy called the doctor, Miss Lucy called the nurse. Reply. And just let him be. I'm so sorry. But he tried to tel me I set him up wow I said to him. We've joined the BHM Digital family of websites and have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. I never get into it or say how I feel because I honestly don't think it's my business or concern .. it's between the two of them. I see it more of something you might call a female partner who you see as more of a dominant and/or nurturing and caring person in the relationship. You acting like a Queen but you don't got the King. All of a sudden, we did. Doesn't make any sense that he did that because he left me and our daughter for some new girl he met up at his work. 32:47. I am having the same issue with my bf, where he is hiding everything from me, saying he loves me but then turning around and telling her he misses her etc. They are a couple guys in school and when they found out I had a daughter they said oh no , I am too young to be taking care of a child that ain't mine I said uh I wasn't even thinking that's far I thought we were friends and that's the end of that lol. We haven't been together in 3 yrs., but he does the same stuff. But to sum it all up. You arent wrong in feeling that, a person can only take so much, and patient and understanding for so long before someone pushes too far. If he reacts to seeing you by uncrossing his arms, sitting upright, adjusting his hair or clothing, raising his eyebrows and smiling, his pupils dilate, he makes space for you and he watches you as you enter the room then it would be more likely that he is attracted to you. Because even if shecant be No. If you are happy with that ranking, then great carry on, but if you have aspirations of being more than his OW, then you need to cut this guy loose. He has no respect for either of you. Really I feel sorry for the current and future women in my life, because I would drop them in a heartbeat to go back and try to make things work. Don't have kids unless your absolutely sure about your partner, and have had years to learn and understand them, otherwise theres a good chance your going to live a long life of unfulfilled mediocrity. Anna Perry. He's a grown ass man. I agree "**** my babies moma that b>> got drama". We were lying in bed cuddling and he was asleep when he mumbled the name of another woman. Hey everyone I am confused and I like for someone guy or Girl to give me feedback please I will try to be brief but it will be hard. I didn't see you mentioning that. Now when a guy says another girl is "cool by me" he is saying that she is a cool chick, he is cool with that girl, she is alright.Not necessarily that he is attracted to her or likes her. That's because in order to have a healthy relationship with his mom, your guy has to have some boundaries. Its been almost 3yrs and i still havent met my boyfriends BM. And I loved him. He dropped off pampers later that day and while intoxicated, attacked me because I filed for child support that day and I did not want to keep the baby. Why it's so hard to date guy with baby mamas? Yeah! OK my baby daddy are in a relationship his other BM keeps commenting on his pictures n statutes. Please dont bash a real woman for what im about to write. I always give him the benefit of the doubt because i want to trust him but is he really loyal to me? He doesn't see it the same. My bf is like that in front of me he gets pissed off at her and talked so much shit but baby momma says there hooking up and he wants to be a family again he wants to strangle her but also may love her ? If you the blueprint then why isn't he with you? Boyfriend who won't be a man. AskMen Reader. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. There are APPS that allow you to skip an in person consultation with a gyn, and receive a prescription for birth control for under 20$. Yeap! Well, what I can tell you is that its certainly a term of endearment in some cultures and means that he sees you as wife and/or mother material! Six freaking years. He's hung up and something and not talking to you about it. Kick his ass out. But shit change and he grabbed my attention. When he throws a new one at me, I tell him "She's not the one. and to you as well.these silly stories sound pathetic. During the summer he tried to reach out to me , but I was done , I was over him , over the drama . He's using you and you are weak. It is really not the most common term of endearment, but calling someone "baby mama" or "baby daddy" is a pet name of sorts. He's Making It Clear He Wants Children with You. It helped me though thNKS, It depends on the people. Find a great single dude, forget about this dude, even if the sex was out of this world, use logic when picking your men, the emotional shit is what has you in pain, the logic told you to leave. Ladies say NO! I still wanna be with her. For example, you may say "hey, pick that up," and they'll respond "ok, mom." So, yes, it's like you're nagging them like a mother. Distance is the biggest enemy when in a fight, and has been translated as the widening of a wedge. It would be particularly likely that he would get anxious when youre with other men, get defensive when other men are around, make plans based on yours, point his feet at you and have dilated pupils when he is with you. If she asks you to stay around a little bit longer, then it is evident that your child's mother still loves you. It hard to let him go I'm just trying to let him be, he says I'm to blame for why nobody wants to be with him , they get tired of me trying to be with him or whatever but he does things to make me think let's do this . Best thing you can do is end it and walk away. If youre not sure what your guy means by it, you should ask him! Do I act crazy? It would also be helpful to consider the type of relationship that you have with him when trying to understand why he called you mama. Perhaps he wants to mostly keep his kids separate from his romantic life, or he is taking slower to blend his relationship with his home life. Didn't hear nothing from her nor did I hear anything about my 1 month old son at the time! It's been almost 4 years since we've split up and I think about her all the time. A few of the signs to look out for that might confirm - or help deny - this are: He's always the one that initiates contact with her or he's always the one replying first. When I tried doing research there was nothing on this? No body is perfect so you cannot blame people for that. She calls her boyfriend while cuckolding him! I can only help him so much. Sad but true! Yes, he said that nothing was going on between them and he did it one time to cope and she said she was on birth control (I know that was a lie), but the truth is, he ran right to her after I told him to piss off and she is pleased and happy as pie (after being made to wait 7 months to announce pregnancy, she is an idiot). I will never let my daughter go through that I went through ever . Knowing that those women will always own a part of him gets to me, can't lie. My x and I have been divorced 20 years he married the girl he left me for. You need to stop listening to baby momma. I told him if you have a comment or concern or question about our son send me an email otherwise do not co tact me. Your email address will not be published. However, the difference is she knew he had a fiance, she was just living in hope that she's never make it over to England, because it took about 3 years. The fiance found out about it, because the OW was very confident and wouldn't disappear. If this is the case, then its a good thing! He didn't want to end the relationship and it's possible that he wishes he could rekindle it. I don't know if you are talking to me but I didn't say anything that wasn't true. I feel selfish for telling her how I feel but I keep my mouth shut. Yes, the term babymomma is offensive to me. I have casual sex with her sometimes though. Unless you a have a child. My boyfriend cheated on me with his baby mama and now she is pregnant but I still love him HELP!! Her father does not pay chid support owes back pay over $40k. (Solution). I melt inside everytime I see her which is twice a week. If you can't, you should never seriously pursue a relationship with anyone, ever. Or is it a real problem? I don't even know what to do about it anymore. So, on a night I went out to enjoy a close friend of mine birthday party, he called my phone wanting to come over, and bring me somethingbut I kept blowing him off until I eventually said "okay". But as always, thats just my opinion. Reply. Because the sex is amazing and its something we both want. SMH. It is unacceptable for her to be calling for utter nonsense, the only time she should be calling would be in an emergency with the kids. They probably do still have soemthing going on. Lots of mixed emotions. Put your panties on and lay down the law. Anyway i told him look I'm done here ur baby mama like really how u leave elegance and go back to the ratchet life? He doesn't have a job at the moment. And yes your still with him you should work on self respect. However, you be heard far too many stories like this were the baby's mom uses the baby to keep a guy trapped in a relationship or to force him back. Manage Settings RoyalDanceQueen, January 23, 2017 in Dating. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. You don't need to be someone's hidden secret. This dude barely ever get dressed not even for me. That would be a dealbreaker for me. Because he's not the one who did the dumping, it's safe to assume that if it was up to him, they'd still be together. No. It made me enraged and ruined my ****ing life. I don't wish it would've worked out. I'm not no saint but I've never cheated! No, you got him temporarily, when he feels like it. And, if you dont like him using it as your pet name, you should also speak up and say something and Im sure hell stop. I fully agree with you.Im 28 weeks pregnant and my baby daddy is seeing this gf which he lies to her all the time.We broke up few weeks ago but we still have sex.In all our chats and phone calls he still tells me he loves me and that what is important. Understand and keep this in the forefront of your mindit's not about you or your relationship with your man. Honestly, I haven't been happy for the past 3 years deep down because i know this other woman will forever be in his life. Please Help. Please contact your hosting provider to ensure that an up-to-date and valid SSL certificate issued by a Certificate Authority is configured for this domain name on the origin server. I don't love my son's mom anymore. If she starts to degrade you and get out of hand tell her exactly how you feel sternly, because she will try to degrade you sooner or later due to jealousy. Either way, its on him to really clean the situation up, as he does have to have contact with this woman to be able to have a solid relationship with his child. Your the one he chose to have kids with. At one point she loved him, and maybe she still does. Sometimes the baby mama is telling the truth and your bf just wants you to think she's crazy. All he has to do is pretend like he's treating you special and he gets access. Long story short, he put her back at arms length once the baby came, and she tried to kill herself a couple of times. 10 Cleaning Rules for Roommates To Create A Spotless Home! But you allow him to cheat with and you also allow him to on you with his woman (ex or wife or other girl friend he had sex with to produce his son) This is a wake up call for you to consider what you want? It may also mean he likes you in a special way. So Ms. blueprintwhy don't you do these ladies a favor and tell them you're laying up with their man. When it comes to infidelity, IMO men cheat physically, women cheats emotionlly and physically. A local ATL radio personality, Traci Steele, has a son with Chris Brown's DJ, DJ Babey Drew. There are a few indicators that you should keep an eye out for that can assist corroborate . She used me,abused, me publicly humiliated, me stole from me , lied regularly , and belittled me on a daily basis in private and publicly in front of men and women. I wish we had tried to just be friends a long time ago. Once I forgave, the other I could not. Anyway I was ready to walk I don't want that in my life or to be a second to no one. It pisses me off and it's little things she so to get under my skin. Me and my boyfriend have been together for two years, I've never met his BM in person but she knows of me. I just got done dating a chick who would be pissed with her baby daddy cause he always kept tabs on her and shit. It depends on the situatiin if you still love her. Reach out to the bm and get to know her for yourself. Cut your losses now. She deserves the truth. What to do when u r confronted by your boyfriend's baby mama My boyfriend has 2 baby mama in four kids but he lives with one baby mama i What Does It Mean When A Guy Says I Don't Want To Hurt You? I'll just find somebody else to have my son." This the girl that swing a knife to his neck most I did was prly scream to the top of my lungs lol. Telemedicine is a thing! If he is from Honduras as well yes it's possible he is married and the entire family knows he has a girlfriend. Right now we're long distance and planning to hopefully move in together within the next year or two. So last night I had texted my boyfriend something really nice a memory and such. Many other cultures are very accommodating of male infidelity. Well yeah. "Babe" is a pretty common nickname to use for your boyfriend. Not good. Its essential that the boyfriend, who is in the center of this situation, make it clear to his childs mother what is appropriate, that hes in a committed relationship with you, and that he should only be contacted when it has to do with the child they share. But there are some that do get over the relationship and the love. A lot of men find that Mama is a better alternative to nicknames like Baby, Babe, or Sweetie. This is the beginning of her trying to make the relationship hell if he doesn't put a stop to it now it will continue to happen. Me and my baby mama have been separated for close to 1 yr n half our son is 2. I love him so much and fought for two years to make sure he was involved. Said my mind's gone half crazy (Yeah) 'cause I can't leave you alone (And I just don't know) And I'm wonderin' if it's worth me holdin' on (I said I just don't know what to do now . If she hasnt grown up. black entertainment news, parenting tips and beauty secrets that are specifically for black women. He'd talk bad about me; get into it with them; call me with them in the background telling them "Bitch you ain't shit. It's important for kids! If they aren't married, it's possible he brought her and the child here with the intention to marry her. It shouldn't get to me the way it did but I always think there could possibly be something going on between them still. I feel a baby mama should be treated like any ex. If you have never heard a guy say mama before then it is similar to calling a woman babe or sweetie assuming that he is a similar age as you. Ur allowing him to treat u that way. More often than.not, people who share a child but aren't together anymore, they hate each other, or one hates the other more. If the relationship was toxic then this is how it can affect you. I have seen this many times when I was dating. Even though he and I are divorced we have remained friends. Is okay so recently he told the kids he would take them to the movies but he never asked the kids what type of movie they wanted to see he bought the tickets and our kids paid no mind to the fact that they didnt know what movie they were going to see until they got to the theatre so when they get there he has a fit because his wife his wifes kids who are his step kids they dont have kids of their own made decision to watch a movie that they all agree on I guess while our kids whom he made plans with were not in on this movie decision making. As I moved on with the next guy for about four mouths , I end up dropping him and going back to my original guy from the start , the one I have history with. Like a term of endearment. Maybe it is love seeing as how he isn't with her anymore and we are working towards make things again. Your better off alone! And is it normal to have a family day if technically we aren't a family? Is it meet ups? To be stranded during your first pregnancy, financially reliant on this asshole, emotional, hormonal and to be left for dead could maybe make a person slightly insane. I dont bother him I do everything for my son .. and she never contacted me about what happened almost like she dislikes the baby because he cheated with me thats his story and she chose to believe that, he always tried to sleep with me, when his out of town for work hes constantly calling me on FaceTime I chose not to answer and entertained him, I want you to do more for my son not flirting with me! She lives in a separate town with the kids and he goes to visit. Why would he prioritize an ex' feelings over yours? Hi, I must say it is a difficult situation. I thought we could come to a mutual agreement for the child. 1. The only thing I want is for him is to always have that daughter father bond. Plus, the whole time he was with her, he would call and ask me for advice and talk with me about things he felt he couldn't express to her. Especially when u find someone who is better at loving you than anyone else was. She put him in the bathtub To see if he could swim. I felt bad because in that moment she realized that I'm not the monster he painted me out to be. But she doesn't know the half of it. No. Why you think I'm answering his phone?" But hes not all to blame i take full responsibility for the desaster i made of my life. He also calls me sweetie and my love but would never call his daughter those things. He won't until he's ready. Anyone that talks about his ex ( negative or positive) still has feelings invested in the ex. Yes and no, in mature relationships mom and dad get along for their child. What about the men that trap woman into getting pregnant so that she cant leave him? I do feel you on this situation. Surely there's another. It basically means that he loves you so much and desires to have a family with you. The man enters and doesn't finish inside hence that way you don't get pregnant Not all women are on welfare and can afford birth control so this can and does happen to women all the time. @mossgard. 1 - He Loves You Deeply And Calls You Baby Because It's A Sweet Nickname When You're In A Relationship. Women can be evil when it comes to the heart. My Husband and I have been married since 2008. Required fields are marked *. When he is dating I respect his personal life and I expect him to do the same for me. . Im asking because my bf has a child and the bm comes with all sorts of drama. PERIOD!! But now it's come to a point where I love her soo much that I actually hate her!! I fell into a deep depression, for a long time. How long is she planning on staying? Last summer we had a bad falling out that lead me to move on with someone else. Oh and women, feel free also to give your advice/opinion. (I dont recommend that girlfriends try and contact or interact with the co-parents unless its about the well-being of the child. He doesn't hate me we actually have a good relationship , and it's not because of our daughter it's just the way we are with each other even before we had her. 3 years later later I still think about what I coulda done better. When trying to understand why he called you mama it would be helpful to consider the timing and location that he said it in. 15 His Communication With Her Is Different From Other Friends. He may be meaning something more than he likes you by saying it, youre going to have to ask him what exactly he means. If he doesnt follow through with setting boundaries with his baby mama, then he's a ****. Emotionally abusive, even how she fell pregant, she convinced me through duress to stop using protection, I tried to say I don't think it was a good idea because of her recent behaviour and I didn't want to bring a child into it she yelled "if you don't want to have a baby with me now I never want to have a baby with you!" I didn't want my daughter to grow up in a abusive/violent relationship with her dad and I, too think it is normal when she gets older. If he is allowing her to do what she is doing, then he is moron who wants his bread buttered on both sides. I still have the desire that I want my family back together. We were happy for over a year and a half, but broke up in March because he hung out with her to smoke late at night while I was out of town and didn't tell me. Now that's understandable, cheating game horrible and I strongly believe no woman should take away the father right wanting to spend time with their child. I feel really bad for your situation see Im female though who has done nothing but stick by her man even though he's done nothing but treat me like shit, they way he talks to me, calls me every name under the sun, our son is one month old and I've jusy found that hes been messaging girls behind my back, this is the third time of him messaging girls and I really don't know what to do, I don't want my son to have a broken family but I've just got to the point where I think he will never change I've been loyal to him took him in and everytime we argue I feel bad in kicking him out because he has nowhere to go so today even though ive seen him message girls he's lay in my bed whilst I'm in the bath holding back tears wondering what I done wrong to be getting treated this way, This is some real ass shit, I swear if every man and woman was as straight up as this.

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my boyfriend calls me his baby mama