Yes, this is Black Frigate without the rum; sans the liquor the flavor is more resonant & articulated. Now, I had some trouble with it early on. The tobacco smokes evenly, and burns to a white ash afterwards. This was the first real pipe tobacco I ever purchased. The aroma was all latakia and the taste was pretty much the same. Lucky me! It rubs out easy but it is messy. I enjoyed the tobacco for what it's worth, but felt completely satiated for a while. However after I killed a 1/4 pound I realized that I was spot on. The only heavy latakia blend I like better is CAO old ironside. The Pirates won?t let you down. Li t my first bowl in my Abe Herbaugh Bent Apple. No issues tasting this bad boy! The sheer quality of the condementals and the lack of virginia is what sets this blend very far apart from many of the other popular latakia heavy favorites in the Brotherhood of Latakia Junkies. (I dont pickup room note myself when I smoke but my wife said it smelled like hind end FWIW). Definately in my top 10. I don't get any depth or complexity, just a basic smokiness. I never really caught the Burley, but that is no big surprise, considering the general nature of Burley. I am trying this out today as I wanted a full throttle Latakia smoke for a change of pace. The block has been sitting for awhile again, as the plastic appears to have yellowed. Im glad I gave in and ordered this blend. Thick and creamy with a bit if a sweet perfume-esque flavor to it. In my opinion there is no sweetness in this blend but I don't mind. Four of four stars. I get more flavor, sweetness and nuance from this blend then I do from other lat bomb balkans. It is too much, after a few minutes of it my senses numbed. Some mentions aging cake differs taste, tbh, I didn't try. Powerful, smooth and very rich. Th is is hands-down the Best smoke I have ever had!! Get this. Some people have talked about tongue bite, but I have not experienced this. Still very high. I smoked about ten pipe fulls and was ready to sue by the last bowl. I must say that I was surprised at the smoothness of this blend considering its very high latakia content. The fact that you can purchase large quantities at bargain prices is also a plus and encourages big purchases for cellaring purposes. I like Burley tobaccos as well, I just don't think this blend uses it well. Break off a piece of this "dark chocolate" brownie, break it up, and stuff away. Appearance and Tin aroma: Nice pressed bricks, a little more moist than I'm used to from C&D. Flavor wise, it's not as strong as one might expect and I'd say the nic level is medium. I found this best in a small bowl as it can get kind of boring to my tastes in a large bowl. Another winner from C&D. A couple of Beauties. I ordered a one-pound brick of Pirate Kake (#970P). Chi pu dirlo, questo un fumo da pirati, uomini rudi che amano un gusto davvero preciso e deciso. Pure latakia goodness. The nice people (esp. This stuff is ridiculously good. Bottom line: If you love a big dose of Latakia, then run and get some, if you don't this one may change your mind! This is top of the notch latakia. Rubs out well and makes a very smooth smoke. So I figured I'd go down to the liquor locker and pull out the Cruzan dark Rum. Not much subtlety here folks, so do not come expecting a complex blend. Cornell and Diehl Pirate Kake Tobacco $11.05 G.L. 80 ounces/ 5 pounds $199.50. 2001-2023 STC Holdings LLC, a division of Mac Baren USA. Pirate Cake is simply an infusion of Latakia. Pirate Kake is a pressed blend from Cornell & Diehl with mild nicotine strength, but big flavor & taste. Delicious and not overbearing although it is heavier than most other blends, and it should be, because thats w hat it was blended to be. I can imagine the dedicated Pirate Kake lover sitting alone at home, after all his friends have fled the toxic smell, grumbling to himself about how he never liked having friends anyway. Perfect moisture content out of the tin for breaking a piece off the cake and stuffing. Thats how good this stuff is. The flavors actually varied through out the bowl ranging from smokey to earthy and very lightly sweet. The latakia that Craig uses does have it's own unique taste and room note for whatever reason. Only had about eight bowls so far but i'll buy more. Opening the fresh tin (080318 I love that C&D tins are so easy to date) the Latakia hits your sinuses straight away. Amazing blend. In pipelore, this IS an "L-bomb" to be sure. Which is exactly the Latakia taste I look for. This stuff, (yes stuff is the right word) is just plain brutal. Right next to SPC Mississippi River and Plum Pudding. Once rubbed out and let to dry for about an hour there was no issues keeping the bowl lit. The tobacco seems dry enough when being rubbed out but is hard to keep lit without drying. Edit 27/9/14. It is not the smoothest and certainly not the roughest but it is full of flavor and delicious in my opinion. This does blast my palette out completely after smoking it, so it is resigned to evening smokes until I can strengthen my tongue. I enjoyed it immensely and it really fed the itch for something different. I've been a hound for it, ever since my first tin of Penzance. The cake is loose and breaks into a ribbon cut easy for packing. Just sitting in my apartment in south holland, enjoying a big old bowl of pirate kake and a delicious raw winter carrot. This is the most delicious of all the latakia. Recommended. Taste is med to full and cons istent throughout. Smoke it slowly in a 9 mm charcoal Briar Pipe and you will be richly rewarded. It is like smoking straight Latakia, really unsmokable! (That's not a sentence you'll hear very often.) Definitely INE for the cooler months, as I cant imagine s To start if you ever get a chance to go fishing off a old dock the tin note will take you there ! Ive stocked u p on this so i can get the aged/cured effect!! Back then it was not called (Sea Scoundrels) either just Pirate Kake. I will gladly "walk the plank" with this pirate anytime! It is a pretty intense smoke in my opinion. Surprisingly it is only medium strong. A real treasure, imho, and a must-try for those who appreciate latakia-heavy blends. It's got full-on flavor and is comprised of quality leaf. Here 10 months later I am finally smoking it. Not for the faint of heart, and definitely one to smoke when no one else is around. Some say its unidimensional. I'm paraphrasing here, but I don't have a better description of this aroma. If you love latakia this is for you. Smokes cool, slow, and extremely flavorful from char to dottle. Love this stuff. I enjoy latakia immensely. After a couple of minutes of gentle drawing my mouth became very dry and so I put the pipe down and went back into my house to get a glass of home vinted pear wine -slightly sweet - to quench the fire. I packed the bottom half of the bowl very loosely, as usual. You had better have a liking for Latakia with both of these blends, more so with PK that gives an almost oily taste. It came at a time of several samples and got stashed away and, well, forgotten about. Purchased From: El Fumador - Sewickley, PA. 70 % latakia that should tell you something . If it were consistent from top to bottom this would be a five-star rating and my number one smoke. I prefer Samuel Gawith's Commonwealth. I like to smoke this mid afternoon with a good cup of skunky coffee. Individual reviews are the opinion(s) of the contributor and do not reflect the opinion(s) Hey its not your fault latakia, burley will help you in this kake. There are latakia blends, there are heavy latakia blends and then..there's Pirate Kake. There are too many others which I enjoy more. I fall in between. This is a real acquired taste. I spent hours getting my smoked salmon perfect. In fact, it's so much that after about two minutes into a bowl, I'm no longer capable of tasting ANYTHING, including the latakia. It joins a favorite list and while it wont be a regular part of my rotation I definitely will smoke it when I need something different in my smoking rotation. Latakia, Burley, Oriental/Turkish are the ingredients. It is what it is and I enjoy it every time I choose it. Crumbles up real nice. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake - Having my only taste of Latakia being Plum Pudding and having read so much about what a latakia bomb like Pirate Kake would be like I went in a little intimitaded. But it goes south after that, being too one-dimensional. Got a bit cellered right now to see how it turns out month by month. I also had trouble keeping it lit, and it was not the easiest to rub out from the rock hard cake bar it comes in. The smoke is velvety and soft the punch is strong. Will save this for chilly, rainy nights. Slightly dry and astringent smoke (but in a good way?). I left the lid off for 2 hours and smokes fine now. There is a relatively low nicotine content in this blend. All rights reserved. After just shy of 4 years in the cellar the blend becomes very sweet, round, and displays a number of notes not originally apparent. C&D style; this blend smokes down to the last puff leaving a fine volcanic type ash that won't plug up the bowl. I found it to be an excellent blend. A lot has already been said about it and everything that was said in favor of it is true. Its smoky and leathery and smoky, and has some smoky taste. As Devil's advocate, this is the best contemporary Latakia based English I've smoked barring my ancient faves: Sullivan's 00 & XX blends from 50 years ago. $10.99 Save 2% +-Add. did not think that Lattakia could be so tasty. The Latakia is so tasty in this blend an exciting smoke from top to middle and ends quite well wont be disapp Loving every minute of it, waste not, this Lat bomb if beautiful. I just can't say enough about this tobacco except, try it for yourself, it is pure heaven!!! Totally my own fault : ). Without risk of being accused of hyperbole, I can categorically say that, if I were forced to only smoke Pirate Kake for the rest of my life, I'd be absolutely fine with that. We reserve the right to verify delivery to cardholder via UPS. I buy i Pirate Lake is a full body English bend. It lacks that hint of perique spice that Nightcap has, but is darker and more smokey. If any ever wondered what Dunhill's My Mixture #10 was like, this is it sans cavendished Virginias. You have to appreciate what Latakia brings to the table to enjoy Pirate Kake. A little air time helps but on a good dry day you can get by without it. Although there is reportedly 70%+ Latakia in this blend, it is smooth and satisfying with addition of other tobaccos. Rubbed out a bowl and packed it straight away with no drying. Don't even bother attempting to cut this kake, you'll have to hammer the knife through. This stuff is just a sweet, smokey, Latakia and makes no pretense about it. A must try for the latakia lover . Sometimes this is the only thing I smoke all day. I can't get it to bite, and the presentation (though messy to prepare), is outstanding. I love the smokiness and find it wonderful from top to bowl bottom. The room note is as expected, full Latakia. Taste like how it smells. Age When Smoked: new, less than a year old tin. The smoke itself is flatter than Kansas. Black mostly in color with some remnants of what brown tobacco was there. I definitely will get more on future orders. Well, the description states it has LOTS (emphasis theirs) of Latakia, and it does. I seem to remember the fresher stuff to have a bite to it that is now gone, or maybe my technique has just changed in the last 6 years. This is a tobacco that requires you to take the time for it. Until the bottom of the bowl, it's an explosion of taste! Smoking this tobacco reminds me of eating foods that have been really heavily smoked. The pipe gods had spoken. I smoke this whenever I desire to be entertained within a fast moving panorama of almost familiar sensations that build not to a climax and quiet farewell, but just keep rolling on as a caravan that one has disembarked. This is a hefty stout LATAKIA, probally Syrian the way it is good and SMOKEY. I think it smells great myself. I could maybe see this in my rotation, or as a treat when I have a little time to enjoy a pipe on a lazy morning, but can't see myself smoking this daily. Although extremely high in Latakia, its flavor is quite well rounded and delicious. Full, dense, aromatic taste leaves nobody indifferent! If I had a preference I would add a stoved Virginia to this blend to round it out and add richness to it. Love the pressed bricks that lie waiting in the can when it is opened. ORIGINAL: Well now I know what a lat bomb is. A delicious rich smoke. Overall, it's good quality tobacco but my preference is a blend with less Latakia and more of a balance with other components. I smoke only virginias and perique blends. The latakia is heavy, which is fine. Its a great product. It is the truth! It does have a slight spiciness to it, but it's missing the punchiness of Ten Russians, the depth of Bill Baileys Balkan, and the spicy sweet subtleties of Plum Pudding. Very creamy, smooth in the mouth and leaves a nice coating for you to enjoy for an hour. If you receive this confirmation repeatedly, you will need to enable cookies so that your response can be saved. For as heavy and robust a smoke it is regarding flavor, it is also an incredibly mild smoke. This is a fantastic blend. The focus here is Latakia- pungent, peaty, slightly briny Latakia. I have no idea what the room note is because I smoke on the porch but I imagine it would be very potent. It's not so much of that "campfire" Latakia taste as it is that mossy, damp, woody, nature-like taste. This is my new all day smoke . 4 stars if you like lots of manly Latakia, 1 star if not. There is just n o reason for it. Packing and Lighting: It can be time consuming to crumble, but you must, or this will not light well. Oak Pirate Kake by Cornell & Diehl is sold in a 2-oz tin. After discovery, I probably only got about three bowls out of this. I snuck in a couple bowls n the house and my wife didn't say a word. Taste is a bit like a cigar for me. You won't be sorry. If you really like latakia and turkish go for it. A velvety, and almost full bodied, smoke with a strong taste of Latakia-woodiness, thats perfectly balanced by the creamy sweet, buttery burley and cavendish. A beautiful cake, so easy to handle and pack, the room note for me was acceptable, I quite like the smell of latakia and can never understand when there is so much comotion about it. Will definitely get more. The crumble is easy to break, easy to pack, easy to keep it lit, smokes really cool, full taste from the very beggining till the end. sigh. Cornell and Diehl's Pirate Kake is the last of the bulk samples from my recent half tinned and half bulk thin down purchase and I saved it for last. Overall, a good smooth smoke that had no bite. Now, that sounds overwhelming at first, but Cornell and Diehl have managed to pull off a masterpiece. Let me tell you "Deadmen tell no tales" I recommend it only because nothing compares it. The room note does not offend like my old latakia did. Latakia blends are my favorites. Cornel & Diehl Pirate Kake Tin Pipe Tobacco. a booming amount of latakia, some burley and orientals. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco. Mind you, I don't regret trying itthe tobacco's were good quality, it's just that this blend is not for me. One of the best tobacco purchases I've made so far. I don't know it sort of reminds me of Bengal Slices (sort of). 21.58. Similar Blends: Creosote soaked camel's dung.. UPDATE 12/20 I am not one to question the manufacturer or to doubt the voracity of other reviewers but this tobacco is one that I must break my norm Disclaimers: this is an art not a science, tobacco ages and flavors may change, all people taste things differently, etc, etc, etc 70% + Latakia means one thing: Latakia is what you taste Burley as a base on its best day isn't overpowering Latakia in any dimension except Vitamin N. I have read hundreds of reviews from a few of the TR prolific reviewers, and their variance in opinion on topics like this is remarkable. Stouter than most of those "late evening" blends and a great way to end the day. Flavorfull and satisfying. Wow, this stuff is a Latakia monster. Upon opening a small sample given to me by father, I noted the sample was about as hard as concrete. If you like Latakia, it just doesn't get any better than this. Others who prefer more restraint won't. Its almost nothing except latakia. Musky Latakia and Turkish with some burleyits good. I have to admit I sort of got into the spirit of this blend. Thanks to C&D, all the reviewers, SmokingPipes, and AbeIve been waiting for this!!!! And at $25 a pound this is a marvel of modern, um. Very few relights, and is just heavenly. Surprised that some found Latakia to be overwhelming as I found it just a little over medium in strength. Not just the tongue tingle that spicy orientals give but a solid oriental leaf flavor under the latakia. I do read some reviews that the burley is undetectable, and used as a filler, however this is not the case for me. Unlike Billy Budd, where cigar leaves are blended, Pirate Kake is always a delicious blend, both before and after meals. Don't let this review throw you off of the stuff you may like it. Every so often I grab a piece to refill my small jelly jar which I pinch it from when I smoke it. Spicey,hints of sweetness,SMOKEY,complex.Darn good!!! The wine helped me get through the bowl. This blend is GREAT! $11.90 - $36.98. I really want to like it, but it's too strong. Sometimes I find myself puffing like a freight train, I just cannot get enough of this blend in one bowl! With Ironsides being lighter; far more creamier and nuttier, yet just a cool and long lasting. I'm upping this to 4 stars and it's made it into my favourites as well. The character turning more dark and spicy in the second half so a sweet drink (coffee, tea) goes great with it. The cakes are easy to break apart and rub out nicely. Im normally an aromatic smoker but was intrigued by this. This is a very smokey and savory tobacco of high quality. Highly recommended if you like coffee with your pipes. One of the best tobacco's I have tried.Superior in every has an interesting sour note in a good way. The aftertaste is also delightful as the smoke and peat keep going after the pipe is done. Perhaps the antidote to sweet and cloying tobaccos. I would say this is my favorite tobacco because I can always depend on it to be a good consistent smoke. At one point in my life I would have run from a blend as robust as this. Although PK is very obviously a strong lat bomb, I found it to be remarkably smooth, much more so than Star of the East and that PK is actually one of the finest smokes I have had the pleasure of smoking. Further down the bowl I detected a pine taste which was not bad. I tend to prefer it more in a condimental sense. The savory flavor isn't too strong as to where you can't use this as an all day blend.

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pirate kake pipe tobacco