Limited is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Zuto Limited who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Also I find that my body and mind seem to be a lot more relaxed, feeling of well being. Im feeling sure that this change for the better is permanent but Ill certainly call you if I do have any concerns later. Two therapy rooms to rent, ideally located between Maidenhead and Slough, 5 mins from M4. 700. Great business location. 020 3322 3265 Local call rate. When it comes to finding the best quality Clinic rooms to rent, most people prefer to take the help of Therapy Rooms. // attempt to substitute GET param first var mySelect = document.getElementById(curParam); 173 pw. != -1 ? var current = document.location.href; Double bedroom with built in wardrobe and free standing large chest of drawers and bedside tables. The space comes with a manicure table but all other equipment and products must be supplied. 15 min walk from Burnham and Taplow station. span.signup_alert_trigger { color: rgb(56,186,155); cursor: pointer; border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(56,186,155); padding-bottom: 2px;}span.signup_alert_trigger:hover { color: rgb(35, 124, 103); transition-duration: 0.2s;}/*#first_container { margin-top: 75px;}*/.clearfix.body-content{ display: none;}h1 { font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 0.3px;}.result_header { color: #2a343e;}.results_list { margin-top: 10px;}.breadcrumb { display: none!important;}.col-lg-12 { padding: 0px;}.gm-style .gm-style-iw-c { width: auto!important; height: auto!important;}.pagehead { display: none;}.results, .map { padding: 0; margin-top: 20px;}.transition { transition: 0.5s;}.map { display: block!important; transition: 0.5s;}.no_map { width: 100%;}.ds_fullWidth { width: 100%!important;}.no_results { border-top: 1px solid rgb(90 93 96); margin: 10px; padding: 10px; font-size: 14px;}#results_map { overflow: hidden; 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The Wellness Centre is situated inside Moss End Village Centre. Find Therapist offices, salon suites and medical spaces to rent and sublet inPhoenix, Arizona. changeParam('context'); There are also dedicated therapy room search listings online if you google "therapy rooms to rent". Moss End Village is easy to find being virtually opposite The Shepherds House pub and is conveniently situated between Bracknell, Maidenhead and Windsor. Studio, 1 & 2 Bedroom From 1,100pcm Berkshire House is a landmark building in the bustling market town of Maidenhead. Modern Slavery Statement & NEW KITCHEN. . Tel:07525175156 122 Nursery Road Taplow, Maidenhead SL6 0JU. Rental is available as either exclusive use of one room (600 per month) currently unfurnished, or daily rental (60 per da. Limited is an Introducer Appointed Representative of CarMoney Limited who I eventually called it a day at 4.30 pm and took a good book into the garden with a large glass of wine! 1 room remaining. "&" : "?" Early Bird Access is just one benefit of upgrading. all bills included plus free wifi. We are NHS recognised ALLIED HEALTH PRACTITIONERS and osteopaths are all General Osteopathic Council Registered. The average price for a room in a 1-bed property went down by 31.7%, so the price tags tarts at 630. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 74,683 + Bookings NEW FLOORING. Price (highest first) I hope all is well with you.Best wishes JC. I know that she has booked a second appointment so she has happy feet for Christmas! Braywick House West, Windsor Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1DN, Our clinic is located in a lovely Grade II Listed building very close to Junction 8/9 of the M4 motorway, making it easily accessible for those living in Reading, High Wycombe, Windsor and Slough. Two therapy rooms to rent, ideally located between Maidenhead and Slough, 5 mins from M4. Zuto Limited is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Zuto Limited who Two therapy rooms to rent, ideally located between Maidenhead and Slough, 5 mins from M4. //load the new URL Single room Maidenhead (SL6) Bills inc. 3 0 New Today monthly rent 425 - all included - pets and smoke free - clean - parking on the street - close to the centre - 200 deposit Single room in a high. Free Wi-Fi included. Maidenhead - The Therapy Rooms South Ltd Maidenhead Braywick House West, Windsor Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1DN Our clinic is located in a lovely Grade II Listed building very close to Junction 8/9 of the M4 motorway, making it easily accessible for those living in Reading, High Wycombe, Windsor and Slough Suitable for all sorts of beauty therapists, medical, massage, beauticians, etc.. //or substitutes it if already there, then WHOLE HOUSE NEWLY PLASTERED AND DECORATED. Refurbished home. Late I know but thank you so much as you were a great. 345 7692 64. Room to rent. Post code: SL62TE, Double room for rent in Taplow. ** Property Reference: 1534845 **. You can unsubscribe from receiving these marketing emails at any time in preferences. Rental is available as either exclusive use of one room (600 per month) currently unfurnished, or daily rental (60 per da Other Date available: 10 Jan 2023 600pm 42 days ago 3 En-suite room for rent in family home since Monday and this morning Im feeling brighter. I find it hard to believe that two sessions have achieved this result. Located in We are Married couple & looking for Asian couple or single ladies as brand new bed with mattress also kitchen and bathroom will be shared also I would A beautiful apartment completed to a very high standard. Taplow, Berkshire. With it you can contact all ads on the site as soon as they appear - otherwise you'll have to wait 7 days before you can contact any ads with the Early Bird icon. Check out the best options now. Ive achieved so much, silly little things really but they mean a lot to be able to do these things that a few weeks ago seemed impossible. Available from mid April 2023 > '$1=' + o Washing machine and dryer available Arena Business Centre, The Square, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 4EB, Braywick House West, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1DN, Copyright 2023 The Therapy Rooms South Ltd. Website Design by SiteWizard, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), BABCP British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies, BACP British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy. room. Two double bedrooms and a third single. Close to town and river with the added benefit of on-street and off-street parking. OnTheMarket yesterday Marketed by Prospect Estate Agency - Maidenhead. newurl = current != -1 ? ); // finally, go there On road and off road par. Near to local amenities and train station. Multiple Toilets/Showers/Changing faciliti, Salon Chairs & Hairdresser Chairs to Rent, Talking therapists (psychologists, counsellors and psychotherapists), Salon, Barber & Hairdresser Chairs to Rent, Finding a Therapy Room is easy by searching through our trusted network - find out more. document.getElementById('sort_by').onchange = function() { Her feet felt great afterwards. Sunday, Moss End Village Centre 1000s more rooms to let in Maidenhead, Berkshire and across the UK at . There were times when I was going to give up purely from the fear factor of not having a loo on that journey but its amazing what you can hold on to .I have been feeling very well and my body is improving almost weekly my fitness is probably 100% up on this time last year and I feel positive, happy, calm in myself, Afternoon Lee Thank you for seeing me on Monday. var newurl = current.replace( Introductions are limited to motor ); Weekends: 10am 7.30pm, Add this to your 'saved ads' list for quick reference in future. Furnished. Also a smaller room also newly refurbished with no shower but lovely natural light window available every Mon, Tues and every other Sat. Staffed reception from 8am to 8pm to welcome and direct clients. 1. Free Wi-Fi included. The address is Maidenhead Road, Warfield, RG42 6EJ and the therapy rooms are quietly tucked away at the back of the centre, overlooking gardens where birds and pheasants can frequently be heard. Cookies Policy. Rent free period for the right practioner/company . ) finance, CarMoney Limited will pay us a fixed commission per paid out deal. Please contact us for further information to see how we can support your goals Established 1988, For all enquiries please contact us Set within a Thameside country club in the affluent village of Cookham, Berkshire, our multi-functional treatment room, fitted with high-end furnishings & decor will attract a wealth of clientele for whatever your business needs. Finding your next home has never been easier. Two therapy rooms to rent, ideally located between Maidenhead and Slough, 5 mins from M4. + ( current.indexOf('?') Rental is available as either exclusive use of one room (600 per month) currently unfurnished, or daily rental (60 per da, very clean en-suite double room with built in wardrobes, shower and bath, own entrance to the room from the garden, live in landlord very easy going.professional female preferred . Privacy Notice, All Rights Reserved. Our specialist therapists and counsellors are trained to work with children, adolescents, adults and older adults. Double bedroom with storage bed and full size wardrobes. Available now Early Bird 575pcm Double Room nr City Centre - Quick walk to Train Double room Maidenhead (SL6) Bills inc. 8 0 New Arena Business Centre, The Square, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 4EB, Braywick House West, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1DN, Copyright 2023 The Therapy Rooms South Ltd. Website Design by SiteWizard. if(document.getElementById('sort_by')){ You could ask commercial property agencies - serviced offices aren't that personal - but would probably be more accessible. 1. Many people find that it is a lovely way to either start or finish their treatments by spending additional time at the centre trying the tea rooms, or exploring the garden centre, pet shop, antique centre or many of the other shops on site. This is a good size double room with built in double wardrobes. Limited, registered in England and Wales with number 03934849, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX, United Kingdom. New decorated single room to let . 2X NEW BATHROOMS. Member Login Create Listing . Looking for a room for an hour, month or a year, use filters to search for a wide variety of rooms in different locations. 990,761 + Pages Viewed. Looking for a room for an hour, month or a year, use filters to search for a wide variety of rooms in different locations. // if GET param is not there, add it to URL This will be on a self employed basis. } Limited is a credit broker, not a lender. UPGRADE TO CONTACT NEW TODAY 7. } Taplow, Maidenhead 345 7692 64. Northfield Road, Maidenhead, 4 Bedroom For Rent. I understand that you are giving a talk to a group at a Fibromyalgia Group so I thought I would drop you a line and let you know who I have been since I saw you in Octobers last year and you may wish to quote my email in your chat. How do I edit my account settings or profile. This means you can be assured that your therapist has met rigourous training standards and follows the highest standards of practice. finance. House Share 1 1. Post code: SL62TE, Double room for rent in Taplow. Daytime, Evening and Weekend appointments are available. - US Therapy Rooms. 2. Plenty of parking around the clinic. Terms of Use, Best regards and have a good Christmas if not seeing you before. It's a decent flat in Cox Green and is quite secluded and quiet. changeParam('sort_by'); 2 minites walk to the train station. Free parking available (1 minutes walk) Reviews Since the start of my Bowen treatment I have had relief from pain that I have had for several years. 01628 246138. if(document.getElementById('sort_by')){ I am delighted with how you and Bowen have helped me. At the Therapy Rooms, we offer a range of evidence based, psychological interventions such as: All of our psychologists, therapists and counselors are members of the appropriate governing bodies. NEW KITCHEN. Refurbished home. } This is a good size double room with built in double wardrobes. Ive been meaning to send you a progress report for a while. } At the Therapy Rooms we offer a range of evidence based psychological interventions from Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Family Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), Psychotherapy and Counselling. We are located in a vibrant location in Marlow. Limited is an Appointed Representative of Compare The Market Limited who I would recommend it to anyone who has any problems with their health. }, Show results on a map Free parking available (1 minutes walk) St Ives Rd 177,124 + Sessions. changeParam('sort_by'); Rooms to let in Maidenhead Double room Maidenhead (SL6) 7 0 New Today Nice clean house to let. //load the new URL Alternatively, you can email us at: That was seven months ago and my shoulder is still absolutely fine in every way. function changeParam(curParam) { Price (lowest first) The simple way to search for property to buy or rent. Last updated Therapy rooms to rent in Taplow, Maidenhead, Beauty Studio & Therapy Room to Rent in Slough, Newly Refurbished, Therapy Treatment Rooms in Marlow town centre, Professional consultation / treatment room & reception area, Treatment Room to Rent in Maidenhead High Street, Nail space to rent within a busy Beauty and Tanning Salon -Old Windsor.

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therapy rooms to rent maidenhead