That can make it hard to get motivated." A strong conspiracy case usually involves the testimony of a key insider who can verify the governments theory and narrate events from within the group explaining how various, ostensibly distinct pieces of evidence fit into a coherent whole and how the disparate actions of participants served a singular objective. After that, today comes this video from yet another YouTube channel that basically just ripped off Eric D. Kirks video and made it more crappy: Read the comments, so many people are thinking this is surely Durham: A reader sent me this report, which I have NOT been able to independently verify. Could be. . The case against Sussmann was curious from the start, because it was apparent that Durhams team was less interested in a discrete misrepresentation to the FBI during a single meeting than it was in the broader and arguably unseemly opposition research work of the Clinton campaign, its lawyers and the investigative firm Fusion GPS. ESPN's Champ Week Presented by Principal to Present 29 Men's College Cybersecurity expert Rob Graham told NBC News that what Joffe appeared to have been doing was a search for domain names and addresses to which a computer had tried to connect. Most of his videos are parodies or comic sketches. Mr. Baker has testified that the F.B.I. Defense lawyers for Mr. Sussmann have also rejected prosecutors broader insinuations about the constellation of events that led to his indictment, accusing the Durham team of fueling politicized conspiracy theories. But hes happy to help his buddy Donald out. SICK: Here Is That Perverted Sex Ed Video Teaching First Graders To Masturbate, Pfizer Makes Stunning Admission On COVID-19 Jab Clinical Trials. Never spoke to him. WASHINGTON When the Trump administration assigned a prosecutor in 2019 to scour the Russia investigation for any wrongdoing, President Donald J. Trump stoked expectations among his supporters that the inquiry would find a deep state conspiracy against him. | Tap below and Follow @DailyNoahNewsthats me! Biden's spokeswoman tells reporter to go to the DOJ about Durham's But Mr. Durhams team obtained law firm billing records showing that Mr. Sussmann had logged time working on the Alfa Bank suspicions to the Clinton campaign. Then returned to Connecticut to join the State's Attorney's office. In the filing Friday, prosecutors said Tech Executive-1 gave Sussmann data about communications between computer servers at the EOP, two Trump-owned buildings in New York and an unrelated medical firm with Russian-made cellphones near the White House. At the time of the indictment,Sussmannsattorneys issued a statement that said: MichaelSussmannwas indicted today because of politics, not facts. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME A LINK TO GOOGLE SEARCH RESULTS OR BING VIDEO SEARCH RESULTS SEARCHING FOR JOHN DURHAM. Shoulda masked for your future (ah-ah-ah) Could Durham run into the same problem in prosecuting Danchenko? Is this all John Durham has? | CNN Politics Heres How (and When) To Watch President Trump At CPAC! Did the FBI end up finding out that Danchenko was not really a Russian asset? The disclosure about Joffe, who has not been charged, came in a filing in the court case of Michael Sussmann, a lawyer whom Durhams office indicted in September in connection with allegations of lying about his relationship with the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. When the bureau finally got around to questioning Danchenko because it hadnt been able to corroborate Steeles claims despite relying on them in court it learned that Steele appeared to have exaggerated and possibly fabricated rumors and innuendo about Trump that Danchenko was said to have passed along. Liberal heads exploding everywhere right now just thinking about it!]. Heres How (and When) To Watch President Trump At CPAC! A deep dive into Bill Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham's investigation and the costs entailed. Last week, in a jaw-dropping court submission, Durham revealed that the FBI signed up Danchenko as an informant and paid him for almost three years from March 2017 through October 2020. Monday, December 9, 2019 Statement of U.S. Attorney John H. Durham "I have the utmost respect for the mission of the Office of Inspector General and the comprehensive work that went into the report prepared by Mr. Horowitz and his staff. Reverse the situation. Im not talking about videos about a certain topic or recent videos or videos of his personal life. The brief was nominally about whether Sussmanns law firm may have had a conflict of interest in representing Sussmann a very tenuous claim that was eventually resolved in favor of Sussmanns lawyers. Although Danchenko was the most important source for Steeles explosive allegations against Trump, the FBI did not interview him prior to using Steeles dossier in its first two sworn surveillance applications, in October 2016 and January 2017. But instead, the notion that Durham has been improperly muzzled by a Democrat-appointed judge however fallacious it may be seems primed to have the opposite effect among many of his supporters. Breaking: Special counsel John Durham abruptly announces his - TheBlaze No, I'm talking about why a man with such a storied and PUBLIC career does not have a single video existing . He also told Mr. Elias about it, and Clinton campaign officials were apparently aware that he was trying to get reporters to write about it. Colleagues say Durham is thorough and cautious in deciding whether a case deserves to be prosecuted. of budget records from the U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning the operations of the Office of Special Counsel John Durham that show its fiscal year 2022 budget was over $8.5 million. Go do your own research, spend 5, 10, 30, 60 minutes trying to find a video of this man and then come back and vote in my poll.. Well, no. And that the Garland DOJ is still hiding documents adds to the scandal.. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. John Durham, Special Counsel - February 2021 (Wine Cellar) According to prosecutors, during a Sept. 19,2016,meeting betweenSussmannand the FBIs general counsel at the time, James Baker, Sussmann told Baker about suspicions relating to alleged secret communications between the Trump campaign and Russia. We now know that the so-called dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele was a Clinton campaign production. If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live! Hillary Clinton brushes Durham controversy off as 'conspiracy theory Rudie cant fail (no, no) FITTON: Heavy Lifting Needed By Congress on Corruption! Intubation in town (ah-ah-ah), Rudy Durhams prosecutors presented abundant evidence that Sussmann had falsely told the FBI that he was not working for the Clinton campaign when he peddled spurious information about a supposed Trump-Putin communications back channel. They were spying on the sitting president of the United States, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox News on Sunday. They can go after me before the election as much as they want, but unfortunately Mr. Durham didnt want to go after these peoplebefore the election, so who knows if hell ever even do a report.. (Its been like that since J Edgar died.). A federal judge late Thursday ordered Fusion GPS, the research firm tapped by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign to gin up dirt on former President Trump, to turn over nearly two dozen emails to . Within the U.S., we have elected to utilize the classification system to protect such shared information. The defense argues that Mr. Sussmann was not acting on their behalf at the meeting. Judicial Watch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It accuses a researcher for the so-called Steele dossier a since-discredited compendium of opposition research about purported links between Mr. Trump and Russia of lying to the F.B.I. "). The situation along the southwest border has deteriorated so badly under President Joe Biden that in the last two years an Arizona county about an hour drive from Mexico has seen a Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using New Techniques and Tactics as Air Mars Hackers Tied to Chinas Govt. (long time not see) was aware that he had represented Democrats on matters related to Russias hacking of their servers, and subsequent communications made clear that he also had a client who had played a role in developing the data analysis concerning Alfa Bank, his lawyers say. Read our full Disclosure. ET):A previous version of this article incorrectly specified a time period in special counsel Durhams Feb. 11 filing when internet data from the White House was collected. The Department of Justice initially produced budget records responsive to the Judicial Watch lawsuit on June 3, 2022, but redacted the actual budget numbers. White Students Forced to Pledge Allegiance to BLM, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For now, we have to hope that Durhams final report will answer that question. He said Ive never met the man, never even talked to him., You have Bull Durham, who is supposed to be the toughest, Trump said over the telephone during the show. His bio also says he is a visual effects specialist, which I found very interesting. Im happy to be proven wrong, Im not saying this is some huge, massive conspiracyunless it is? Judicial Watch Sues Air Force Academy for Records about Critical Race Theor DOJ & FBI Target Biden Political Opponents, Judicial Watch Warns: Critical Race Theory Rising. You can tell me this guy is a private guy and likes to keep a low profile, but Im sorry I just dont buy that not one single video of the man exists, not even b-roll of him walking into a courthouse or something. Here's the quick summary. Fridays court filing was made as part of an inquiry about whether the law firm Latham & Watkins had a conflict of interest in serving as counsel to Sussmann because it also represented other parties with interests in the case. This case represents the opposite of everything the Department of Justice is supposed to stand for. Heres another piece to the puzzle that starts to make this look even more strange. Both companies denied a connection, and the FBI eventually closed the investigation. That we had to file a federal lawsuit to get basic budget information about this historic investigation speaks volumes. And it goes right to the Clinton campaign. In a statement Monday, Trump said the alleged spying was the biggest story of our time, bigger than Watergate.. I miss having bmaz or Rayne tear me a new one, but I had a case of news overload and just had to take a break for a while. The photos from above show the man giving press conferences, so where is the video? John Durham says DOJ watchdog is withholding Russia probe info Tech exec looked for Trump dirt on White House computers, says Durham We've received your submission. This may seem counterintuitive, since the judges decision to prevent him from airing his ambitious theory of a Clinton-orchestrated conspiracy should have diminished confidence in his work and in his various assertions. Though its come to represent much more in the public imagination, the actual charge is quite narrow. Special counsel John Durham, the U.S. attorney appointed to investigate the origins of the Russia collusion and election interference probe, abruptly announced Friday that he would resign from the U.S. Attorney's office. I continue to find that extremely strange! Responding to a reporter's inquiry about the Boston mafia probe. In September, Durhams team indicted Sussmann, and in November, they charged a researcher named Igor Danchenko with lying to the FBI about his work on the infamous Steele dossier, in a case that will go to trial in October. Analysis by Chris . There do exist photos of the man, but the same 4-5 photos is all you will ever find. Watch it till the end before you send it to me.its from a Saturday Night Live skit: Well, some of you have sent me some really interesting ideas! The FBI, for some reason, is at least 15 years behind, technologically speaking. The judge ruled, for instance, that Durhams team cannot suggest to the jury that the data provided to the FBI by Sussmann had been improperly obtained or used by Joffe, since prosecutors had failed to provide sufficient evidence showing that Mr. Sussmann had concerns that the data was obtained inappropriately, or that he had any independent knowledge about the data collection beyond whatever he may have learned from Mr. Joffe through privileged communications., Even more significantly, the judge curtailed Durhams ability to present evidence on the question that seems to have been driving the case from the start in particular, whether, as Durham claimed in court filings, there was a wide-ranging conspiracy comprised of officials from the Clinton campaign, the campaigns lawyers, Joffe, Fusion GPS and an assortment of IT professionals to prevent Trumps election by assembling and disseminating the [Alfa Bank] allegations and other derogatory information about Trump to the media and the U.S. government., The court concluded that while Durhams team had proffered some evidence of a collective effort to disseminate the purported link between Trump and Alfa Bank to the press and others, the contours of this venture and its participants are not entirely obvious. The judge went on to observe that it was far from clear that the researchers who were not employed by Mr. Joffe, Fusion GPS, or the Clinton Campaign, and most of whom never communicated with Mr. Sussmann shared in this common goal, and, as a result, ultimately held that Durham had failed to justify what would essentially amount to a second trial on a non-crime..

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