The building will take 10 days to complete so you'll want to do stuff in the meantime. You will find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag in a bag next to a hut. When the area is clear, loot the nearby containers (one of them locked, DC18) for a Dart +1 along with other stuff. There are enemies in the courtyard below which Ekundayo can take care of. Say that you're surprised to see a trader here and you will be able to try to Intimidate him (DC25). If the RNG screws you over, reload. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). You will want to grab the Demolisher heavy pick and someone who can wield it. You will find a Falcata +1 inside. The room beyond has a trap on the floor (DC21). Note that you cannot proceed further into the keep. Head south to rescue him. He will open up a little more. If you allowed him to keep experimenting on poor Dimwit, you can recruit him as an advisor. The one nearest the exit (DC19) contains a Dwarven Urgrosh +1, the second contains minor loot while the locked (DC21) container in the bonfire contains a Starknife +1 and a scroll of Raise Dead. Stick this on Kalikke if you're using her, otherwise Octavia could use the extra boost so that she doesn't get fatigued so readily. If you passed a diplomacy check when speaking to Ezvanki during your ennoblement ceremony, 'Ezvanki's Offer' is a no-brainer. The quest will be over, and you can either leave the man alone or finish him off. Initially it takes the form of an illustrated book episode. When you've killed them, you can open a trapped chest (DC22) by the side of the road which contains 1GP. You can get at least 5 Bags of Holding from Bartholomew, page 1 - The loot container in the corner holds an Ancient Cyclops Coin. These creatures have 100HP and DR 10/cold iron But they're fairly slow and you should be able to open up with a salvo from Ekun. Approach the wererats to the north but don't immediately attack. The Nereid will summon a Huge Water Elemental and use Confusion. Grab a Two-Bladed Sword +1 from under a tarpaulin and look for a nearby hidden cache (DC16) for a locked container (DC18) containing some gold and gems. Fireball Trap (Perception DC 22, Trickery DC 22 - 36 exp): 5d6 fire damage if triggered (Reflex DC 16 for half). pathfinder: kingmaker bartholomew release troll. Over the course of the game, this will save you from having to sit through dozens of lengthy loading screens. The Greater Trollhound has 150 HP and a howl that causes fear. From the Ruined Watchtower, head southwest and cross the Murque River. Make the immediate area safe and then speak to Waine. The thing is that you will have to lure an evil spirit out of him and attack it. Valve Corporation. You will increase loyalty by three points and get 600 XP. Make your way to Narlkeep. Head east and continue east past the Lonely Barrow. Among the dead bodies and other carrion is a Dying Dwarf. Have Ekun take out the Boomsayer while your melee attackers go after the trolls. Buff up mildly. After dealing with it, look in the corner of the courtyard for a hidden cache with a Rune-covered Ancient Leather Scrap (1/16). Here is a secret: On the upper level, you can find two plates with images of the Sun and the Moon. Climb back down from this area and go immediately south. Just to the left of your starting point is a hidden stash with minor loot. If you have Nazrielle's Cursed Sword, pay a quick visit to your settlement to give it to her. Before speaking, you might make a Perception check (DC 20) to notice that he is exhausted. She will say that her son could have gone to the Lake Candlemere. Apologise to him. You will see the Monster Den a short distance to your north. You will find four Ferocious Wolves fighting a single Trollhound. Don't blow all your funds shopping with Hassuf, because you want to buy a suit of Mithral Full Plate +1 for Valerie from Verdel, particularly if you're taking her down the combat Sorcerer route. Afterwards, you can loot Vesket's body for his key (if you couldn't open the chest earlier), his unique trident, Bound Thunder, a suit of Hide Armor +1 and an Amulet of Natural Armor +1. There is another path up the hill here. You will have a number of options to deal with him. Instead, proceed further up the corridor and kill another Branded Troll and three Trollhounds. Jhod will also come and see you to report on the events at Bald Hill. Talk to the man and help him destroy the creature. Back in the throne room, Kassil may have news of Jamandi's response to the way you (mis)handled Oleg's tax issues. Anyway, you are presented with a good / evil choice as to whether to hunt down the idiots who just tried to murder you. The other containers hold minor loot. Do not go through the gate, because you're not able to target the Owlbear beyond (a stupid interface issue). You'll have a number of choices to proceed. This is for later but there's something you might be able to do now. The Evil choice gives you a ruby while the Good choice secures you an emerald. After you've cleared the areas, backtrack to the fork and take the path leading southwest. By the way, even if you dont save the boy, you will still need to talk to her and tell her about the tragedy. You need to make one of the speech checks. The shaman drops a Wand of Bless and a Cloak of Resistance +2. And so the quest begins. You will learn that Tartuk was brought back to life but cursed to actually be Tartuk rather than merely pretending to be as before. 5. When the enemies are dead, grab a Ring of Protection +1 and the Wyvern Skin Cloak from the Silky's remains. Loot the nearby crates to find a Dwarven Helm Shard (5/10) amongst other things. In the end, you can order Bartholomew to release the captive troll or leave him as is. Continue north and you will bump into two Kobold Sentinels. One of the chests is a Mimic. Search the box nearby for an Ancient Scrap of Script-Covered Leather (3/16). It locks you out of something else shortly. Go down to the lower level again and look for the Sun and the Moon statues in the central chamber they will have the right symbols. Before going in, you'll want to rest, however. Question it to learn that the spirit calls itself Count Shimmerglow. There's a crate filled with minor loot close to the area exit. Take the trail leading east and at the next crossroads, take the southwest path. Have Ekundayo kick things off - he should be able to down a Trollhound. Fortunately, she'll spend her first round casting Summon Nature's Ally. There is a mechanism on the floor that you can interact with to cause it to rotate and reveal different symbols. Open the chest for the Soot-Blackened Hammer (5/5) and a Shock Frost Heavy Mace +1. You want to get Glitterdust on him so that he's slightly easier to hit. However, not all of them may best suit your realm and leader. When you leave, Shimmerglow will summon Vesket and his guards. When they've finished speaking, How to Build a Kingdom will start and you will have a tutorial for managing your barony. Save your game and continue further into the throne room to find Hargulka accompanied by Tartuk. Continue up the path and you will come across a ghoul standing outside a run-down cottage. Gameplay [ edit] Regardless, you're done with this location for the time being. The Greater Trollhound drops an Amulet of Natural Armor +2. Return to Lake Silverstep Village (you don't need to go in if you don't want to) and you will be able to cross Lake Silverstep. It's tough and you start unbuffed but your whole party should be able to hack it to death easily enough. This is worth a visit for a decent bow for Ekun and a new recipe. You might expect by now that there will be some tough creatures up here and there are: two level 14 Owlbears. This leads to an illustrated book episode. The Troll 1 continues attacking Anton, but Troll 2 turns his attention to Ekun who is weilding the acid infused greatAxe. Head west along the Skunk River and you will come to a crossing point. Outside in the square, a new merchant named Enneo the Travelling Merchant has set up shop. Drops from Kobold Sniper (Guiding Beacon) in Troll Lair Depths. Select Narlkeep and build Shaynih'a's Shop of Exotic Curiosities. You will find Varrask the Wildfist standing near your starting location. The containers hold minor loot. You must go there alone! Head north to find Hargulka's throne. Note that if you do not order him to stop, you may be able to recruit him as an advisor later. Otherwise you can make a Strength or Dexterity check to start a fight at an advantage - either one troll down or the kobold shaman out cold. You can make a Knowledge (World) check (DC23) to decipher the central pillar. Your envoy informs you that money is missing from the treasury (-30BP). The Chaotic Good option is slightly more rewarding than the others. Use Glitterdust and Hideous Laughter to disable the trolls and kill them with maximum speed because Bartholomew isn't exactly tough. However, having seen what became of his colleagues, you can reason with him anyway, making him realise that the voice in his head is not Nethys after all. If you're lucky, you can make a DC28 Bluff check for an additional 1500G and 360XP over what you would have received for completing the quest. Return to the main path and continue south. Make a note of this location because you will be back here much, much later. Instead, continue northwest to the Ruined Watchtower. He tells you that he's been swindled by a gang whom he employed to retrieve his possessions from Candlemere Island and who have subsequently vanished. Make your way into the Ruined Watchtower itself. You will find out why trolls are not afraid of fire. Backtrack to the corridor where you fought the skeletons and follow it around. Continue north to the next room and you will find a Kobold Artist painting a fresco. After you've slaughtered them, you will find a trapped (DC22) backpack with a suit of Half Plate +2. Invisibility or Stealth and Freedom of Movement together with Expeditious Retreat. Another critic of the safety of lands which aren't yet ours. Use a Stinking Cloud on them if you have one to spare. If you have an evil alignment, you can actually turn Hargulka against Tartuk and have him cut the little pipsqueak to size. He will ask for help in the battle against the troll. You can get your fish back afterwards if you like. Make your way to the area exit. These are properly nasty. You can also recruit him as an advisor if you are able to select the "[Requires Neutral]" option. From the Ruined Watchtower, return to the ford across the Murque River and cross to the other side. A hidden nook in the floor contains a Torag's Pendant and scroll of Fireball. Ask about Dimwit and you'll have a number of choices. With better equipment than you had earlier, Tranquil River Bend should be manageable. A trolls appetite and its regenerative powers make it a fearless combatant, ever prepared to charge headlong at the nearest living creature and attack with all of its fury. There's an exit to the lower level in this room and you can get to the east of this level from there. This is manageable at 5th level, although not terribly rewarding. At the end of the corridor is a hidden cache with minor loot. Continue east and you will find a Spectre wandering around. If you have Tristian, he can use Metamagic to make it last twice as long. The biggest threat is a level 7 Transmuter who will Haste his allies and then Slow you. Ask who they are and, if you don't have any yet, you can ask Tiressia for five feather tokens for Melianse. Run back to Tiressia and tell her that Elga Verniex is back in the village and she will give you a letter to give her. In the meantime, you may want to explore the Dire Narlmarches or venture into the first few levels of the Tenebrous Depths. STR: 10, DEX: 18, CON: 18, INT: 10, WIS: 14, CHA: 10. There is a body on the shore. At some point, you will see a notification pop up. Head to the Swamp Witchs Hut location. You will immediately be thrown into combat against 4 Tatzylwyrms, 2 Greater Tatzylwyrms and a Nixie Prankster. Kesten Garess will meet you to give you a whistle-stop tour. The other containers yield minor loot. Bring up the map and you will see a building labelled as "Sartayne's house". You don't want to set them off, but just in case Do not attempt to clear the traps because you will aggro the Recaps. You can also have some preparation time and go to the place by yourself (left part of the map). Mirror Image or Displacement can help greatly here. Upstairs, you will find a couple of Branded Trolls and some Trollhounds along with three containers. Set him to work on something (I had the Enchanted Wind opportunity open at this time). The initial creatures are a Bear-like Treant and a Quick Boar. If you have a pet Smilodon, you'll know that it has lots of attacks and the Smilodon-like Treant is no different. There is some fallen rubble to the south. Return to your throne room to close out the chapter. Literally. What can go wrong, I really disliked something that comes up later: (spoiler inc obviously). I'm inclined towards the Chaotic Neutral response. Alternatively, you can start following clues from Ivar's house. Go to the east of the village and you can check out the Beer Mug Inn. If you make the diplomacy check, he will tell you that he and others are afraid of the Great Ancestor. I ended picking the chaotic neutral option and told him to kill the troll. Head back out of the room. Exhaust her conversation options (apart from the one where you murder her) and she will give you an Invitation from the Kingdom of the Cleansed. Or Acid trophy and you will get to speak to him. The first thing you want to get off is Stinking Cloud. If you want a shortcut down, take the broken steps (Mobility 19) for a few XP. Continue north and kill a bunch of Worgs and Greater Worgs. Be careful not to accidentally sell anything irreplaceable because you won't be able to get it back after leaving the area. After the place has been made safe, search the hidden and trapped (DC22) panel in the northern wall to find a Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2. Head a short distance up the slope and Jubilost will announce that this is the place he was searching for, giving you 1800G. Loot the remains and you will find a Coin with Callitropsia's Name and two Coins with Wilber's Name. Continue heading south where you will find a barrel in the corner of the room containing a Torag's Pendant. There is a locked (DC 30) container on the wall with a pair of Lesser Gloves of Dueling. If you are able to, get Unbreakable Heart on Valerie, Amiri and / or Dog. Kesten Garess will meet you to give you a whistle-stop tour.. Head south and open up the trail west along the northern bank of the Gudrin River. The best option seems to be the Neutral Evil one which gains you 4500G. Show him the coins you gathered from the Ancient Will-o'-Wisp and his pals for an XP reward. This is the Heart of the Anvil and you should keep hold of it. If you bring him Kagar, the old Lizardman you met outside the village. If you're burdened with loot from the Troll Lair, you can sell to him as well; just be careful not to sell him anything irreplaceable (the Heart of the Anvil looks like a common gem, for example) because he may shortly disappear from the game one way or another. Select the "show the herb" option and you will get an errand to being her three mudleaves, gloomberries and dizzyheads. They're mostly weak apart from the leader who is 7th level. After you've cleaned their blood off your blades, loot their camp for some tasty loot including a Phylactery of Negative Channeling and an Arcane Protector dagger. The ghost will say that it cant fall asleep because of the lights visible in the well. Continue northeast to the top of the area where you will find a hidden stash with some gems. At the same time, you will receive a visit from a potential artisan. Being able to recruit Bartholomew as an advisor later brings two benefits. There are a couple of outstanding companion quests and nothing more urgent to do. In the Swamp Witchs Hut location, which we have already encountered in the Lost Child and Gnarled Branches quests, look for the village in the lower part of the map. Now that Troll Trouble has begun, this place has become a lot more interesting. You may want to return to your capital to rest up and unburden yourself. Saving Bartholomew? : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - reddit He is a lot more powerful than the average troll. Before entering the ruins, get Shield on as many party members as possible (an Alchemist + Infusion helps). If you stop off in Narlkeep (your new settlement in South Narlmarches), speak to Dragn and ask about his family relic to initiate his artisan quest, Onslaught. I would suggest a Longhouse to begin with along with a pier by the water. Or lie. She will claim to know nothing and then figure out that Sartayne has been sabotaging her efforts. He will hint that he can make something truly amazing if only he could get his hands all three volumes of 'Of Transmutations and Bodily Poisons', initiating his artisan's quest. Go back downstairs and speak to Tevi and give him something to do. After a couple of rounds, two Dire Venomwolves will emerge from the portal. You can learn more about the history of the area by asking about the village. Your call. Dimwit is an enemy in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. It is located in the west of the region. The time passed will probably trigger the next throne room event. Cross over the Skunk River. Kill the lot of them and open the nearby chest to find the Galt Ragout recipe, a Soot Blackened Brand (2/5) and some gold. Then you simply need to withstand Hargulka's melee assault - Mirror Image and Displacement are perhaps more useful than Shield and Barkskin here - while Ekundayo burns through his HP pool. There are two Lizardfolk Sentinels just past your starting point. Dragn Woradash is demanding compensation for use of the Shield Road which his clan used to manage. The latter is an annoying enemy who uses Greater Invisibility (so that most of your attacks miss) and Mirror Image (so that more of your attacks miss) before hitting you with mind-affecting magic. 3. When you're ready to proceed, take the stairs down to the Depths. Avoid the traps and slip between the Redcaps as they patrol. Bokken will somehow figure that he needs to test the potion on himself and will undergo a surprising transformation. Head north out of the village and take care of some Dire Boars on your left. Eventually, you will end up in your throne room. The book is a quest item for Bokken while the Skymetal is the first in another relic set. Go southeast to find a locked chest (DC17) containing a Shard of Knight's Bracers (1/10), the first of another relic item set, and a Heavy Crossbow +1. Find Dragn and give him the Onslaught pieces. Agree to investigate to initiate Kingdom of the Cleansed. Do not take the Neutral Good choice - it will cost you your rope! Foes No MoreTartuk is one of five enemies that you can turn into an ally. Be sure to buy the Bag of Holding in his stock - you should easily have enough gold. Guiding Beacon is a quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Unlock the door to the north but don't charge in because there is a trap (DC20) on the floor. Backtrack to the Murque River and make your way east along the southern shoreline. Save your game before talking to Jennas son, Tig. When the trolls are defeated, you have a number of responses you can make. There is a stash in the south of the encounter area with a Torag's Pendant. Buff up and head north. If you have good AC, you should be OK. Head inside where you will find a Tremendous Centipede, four Giant Centipedes and a Spitting Giant Centipede. The player can either allow Bartholomew's experiments to continue, or they can order him to release or kill Dimwit. Equip the Heart of Ira and buff up with potions before going in. Continue to the edge of the map and you will see a Gloomberry. Return to your capital because you want to make Jubilost your Treasurer, since you've probably had an empty advisor slot up to this point. Otherwise, assuming Tartuk survived, you will find a group of leaderless kobolds close to the exit. The Blades aren't much tougher than the Sentinels, although they have sem-respectable AC. Wander among the houses grabbing minor loot from the various containers. At the next junction, turn northwest and follow the trail to find a crossing point over the Murque River. Your first task is to appoint advisors. Bartholomew Delgado is a character in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. He gives you the key to his laboratory and tells you to wait for him. Ignore the entrance to the Troll Lair for the moment and follow the wall around. Pathfinder Kingmaker: Notable Loot Locations (UPDATED) [February 2023] Head north from your starting point. Go into the room beyond and interact with the column. If you are not able to cast the basic cantrips (acid splash, jolt and so forth) bring someone who can, such as Octavia. The trapped (DC22) chest next to contains some Masterwork weapons and a Keen Longsword +1. Two doors have opened in the west wall but the way back to the entrance is now sealed. The Nereid is unaffected but the Nixie and frogs should be disabled. There are is a trap across a doorway (DC27 to spot and remove). Turn your attention to the Owlbear which is still all but impossible to target from this side. The Alpha Wolves are quite tough but manageable. Your email address will not be published. Keep an eye out for a hidden stash of minor loot underneath a tree. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Troll Trouble Walkthrough

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pathfinder: kingmaker bartholomew release troll