", "I failed the Element of Loyalty because I did not stand by you when it was needed most." Having settled in, Chrysalis decided to pass on some fresh orders to her officers. With a look on her face that screamed "enough is enough", Celestia turned to Shining to issue orders. "Dear sister, I have known you for a long, long time. Whatever this was, they hoped it wouldn't be of any discomfort. Yelled Rainbow, who proceeded to charge the shield at lightspeed. As a teacher, Celestia was extremely disappointed in herself. "Pack your things Spike. Sobbed Celestia. "Oh shut up!" "Oh my Celestia, my poor Twiley!" "I will not fail you.". The Mane 5, with Cadance in tow, entered the main room of the library. Unable to compose herself any longer, the cowpony started sobbing. Twilight couldn't finish her words. You fools, don't you know who I am? Shining proceeded to salute before answering. Pinkie piped happily. The reason was obvious; Twilight would be welcoming to everypony else but her former friends, her Big Brother Former Best Friend Forever and as of late, her former teacher. It is I who should be remorseful and ashamed.". How he wished that Death would be so merciful. "Now, we are aware that at this point, the Canterlot Royal Guard will come out of the castle en masse and attempt to form a defensive perimeter around the castle walls and entrance. I only hope we can all come up with an apology sincere enough to save Twilight from her grudge against us, all of us Cadance, can you and the girls try talking to her? Furthermore, we find it impossible to understand how the group failed to grasp the realization that Twilight had a very close and personal relationship with Cadance, something that we are very keenly aware of, and therefore could not connect the dots that would have exposed the usurper from her veil. "Attention!" The sun princess spoke glumly. "Without Twilight, the Elements become useless!". With a deep sigh of resignation, Applejack prepared to bite the bullet. Luna spoke softly. In your disguise, try to look panicked and terrified. cried Velvet. Was the collective response from the gathered war room personnel. The Changeling Queen took her place at the top of the table, flanked by her loyal general. Shining's actions had badly damaged their honor, something the family had proudly carried and improved from generation to generation. Could this be the most important moment in our lives? The bubbles began to increase in brightness as the energy of the spell increased, the forms of both Velvet and Night becoming obscured by the brightening light. Said Rarity. In fact, I'm sure Shining and Celestia have realized just how badly they screwed up by now. With little hesitation, the yellow pegasus embraced Twilight in a hug, silencing any further sobbing. Cadance arrived at Golden Oaks Library, the dark purple shield still encasing it. Chrysalis then stared into a green flame that burned at the side of her throne. It was my pride!that made me betray you Sugarcube. Twilight, we stand here before you, remorseful and ashamed of what we have done. "Snake, this is Lieutenant Blade. Chrysalis turned to look at the pair, before returning an affirmative nod to Blade. The only question that lingered, however, was how long would that loyalty last? "We're waiting for Applejack and Princess Cadance. Returning to the matter at hoof, Twilight spoke up next. Moments later, Princess Cadance, the bride, Twilight's former foalsitter and somepony with whom she was very close . It wasn't long before Chrysalis reached her throne room, where Captain Black Blade, one of the many mid-ranked officers in the Changeling Army was waiting for her, along with her royal guard. Do you understand the motive behind her rage? Replied Twilight lovingly. Replied Twilight, who lay down on her hindlegs as she crossed her forelegs under her head. For Twilight and Spike, it had felt like hours since they had left Canterlot for Ponyville, but in reality, it had only been a little over an hour and a half. Applejack had heard enough at this point. "The Elements chose us because we were supposed to be the physical representations of what they stood for. By: Black Kyurem. The Nightmare Forces feed off negative emotions, such as the two I just mentioned. Added Rainbow. ", "Just a few scars" Replied Chrysalis. Worse still, she couldn't comprehend just how little she cared for Twilight, compared to the amount of love and attention she gives to her animal friends daily. "She bewitched her Smartypants doll with a Want It Need It spell which made half of Ponyville, including Big Mac, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo rip each other apart trying to get it. There was nothing that could ruin this moment, absolutely nothing. ", "But it can't be too long, right?" Aside from that, there's nothing else to report. Speaking of the latter, Celestia was wondering, on a side note, where she was during the Changeling invasion. You will also be in charge of drilling. Am I clear Snake Bite?". "Please Captain, lead the way. I am here to save you from the Nightmare Forces that once corrupted me.". I was just thinking about stuff. State your business!" Chrysalis delayed her response, taking a moment to ponder the plan. His parents literally didnt take the news well and with the warning still buzzing in his head like a flock of angry parasprites, Shining began walking back to the palace, knowing he'd have to report to Princess Celestia Night and Velvets warning. Knowing his time was up, Aegis turned to face the victorious Changeling Queen. Thus, she decided to take it upon herself to talk things out with them. Merciless, unforgiving, unwilling to spare even the smallest quarter. "What is it honey? asked Velvet, feeling concerned. It is because of this that I understood why she was your student. Deciding to waste no further time, Shining made his move. Without Twilight to lead them, the Elements of Harmony would become useless, and Equestria as a whole would lose its greatest means of defense. "Oh Spike, how could I not forgive you?" Taking a deep breath, Velvet braced herself. Twilight sobbed harder, the group watching on in stunned silence. Now they were ready to stand before her and say they were sorry. Meanwhile, Rarity had managed to pull herself together. "Princess, you are aware Twilight isn't exactly innocent of her crimes either?" A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1 is the twenty-fifth episode of the second season of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and the fifty-first overall. screamed Twilight Velvet from the kitchen. "What if I was wrong? Rarity moved to comfort her. The battle was ferocious. With an instant feeling of urgency coursing through her body, Luna was quick to acquiesce to Shining's orders. He was delighted Twilight was able to forgive him, but the question remained; would she be able to forgive the others? ", "I have no doubt Twilight was gravely hurt by what her friends, her brother and Celestia did to her," Luna replied, "but what prevented the Nightmare Forces from corrupting her is that she had no bitter feelings towards them or desires of their destruction. Once the Princess is captured, you are to flee the village and return to the Hive. Said Alkaios. "The wedding did go ahead, with Shining absolutely under the Changeling Queen's grip. To be precise, the only traceable source of conflict to be found in Equestriawas in my heart.". The only thing she cared about was how Twilight had provided her the perfect setup to launch a perfect, foolproof and failsafe assault on Canterlot. Your capability to write off somepony's feelings as mere folly is of no surprise to me, considering it was what happened between us long ago, but in these circumstances I find it particularly hard to believe you could write off your student, the one pony besides me whom I know you care very dearly for and trust implicitly, as a jealous and overpossessive brat. "Well, things happened, concerning a few ponies including mahself, Twilight and the other girls. After all, one cannot be mad at a child for simply going with the flow. ", "Ok Twilight." Those who escape into enemy territory will be left at their mercy. ", "Yeah, we screwed up big time." ", "No, it's OK. It was my pride that convinced me to leave my best friend so I could follow after the Queen of them Changeling thugs, who I foolishly believed to be the real Princess Cadance. Not only did he ban Twilight from this once-in-a-lifetime event, but he had to go and scar her mentally as well. Can't you find it in your heart to give them another chance?". Shining replied grimly. As was customary with the rules of war, both parties would first try to talk each other out of it. Meanwhile, Canterlot was buzzing with activity. But when it was my turn to wake..they were nowhere to be found. They heard me cryin' last night and wanted to know what was wrong. Urged Fluttershy. Could you explain the basics of what happened?". How could you think I wouldn't stand against that?! "You heard her. What he got instead was nowhere near what he was expecting: a hug. Don't come back until you're ready to be Twilight's friends again.". Meanwhile, Snake Bite was maintaining his cover from outside. Panting heavily, she turned to face Shining, tears streaming down her face. I want you to go to Ponyville to keep an eye on the meeting. Rarity was the only one who was sleeping the easiest of them all, but only because she had managed to maintain her composure. "Well, it's best that I start from the beginning..". What gives you the divine right to lecture us when you are guilty of the same sins?!" Despite being met with a series of gasps or long stares, she didn't care. Said source was Spike, who was facing the wall with his head bowed not in reverence, but in sadness. Do y'all remember the day I left with Twilight to go to Canterlot for the wedding? When it all comes crashing down, the night will fall. Twilight had eventually stopped sobbing, her emotional wounds partially healed by the warmth handed unto her by the Mane 5. After a while of walking, Spike eventually reached Twilight's quarters, where he saw Princess Cadance closing the door leading inside. If that wasn't already a slash to her heart, then the knowledge that what happened then draws similar comparisons to the rehearsal would absolutely double it. Snake Bite bowed without a word. "Good morning girls. Twilight didn't see this though, Midnight kept her gaze forward and Twilight was far too concerned with Midnight's destination. No one said a word until Velvet finally cut in, it was all too much for her to take. Same goes for Sergeant Tone and his men.". The point here is that the girls are sorry for abandoning you and they want to make things right! Once our specialist crack team in Ponyville captures the Princess of Love, we will proceed with the attack by coming out of disguise and making our way toward the castle while dispatching any resistance.". The girls are sorry and they wish to apologise to Twilight personally!". Unfortunately, in his haste to leave, he wasn't prepared for what came next. Go now and assemble the army. Twilight was your own sister, your own flesh and blood! Cadance was taken by surprise at how quickly the plan went belly-up, but as a firm believer in Twilight, she knew the latter would still allow room for a second chance. Their disguises were as solid as their nerves. I failed the Element of Kindness because I failed to show you any compassion. "They will heal. If it was any consolation, however, he was able to channel that shame into willpower, and he intended to use it to do whatever it would take to find his sister. If the damage was too great, they would then be assigned a temporary settlement, and led there by a designated Royal Guard soldier. "We won't leave you ever again.". It described how Chrysalis and her Changelings had attacked the village and completely incapacitated and harvested the Royal Guard garrison stationed there before setting the village's homes alight, capturing the residents and harvesting those who tried to resist. With a sigh, she continued onward to Sugarcube Corner. Unfortunately, she still managed to surprise the pink alicorn. Snake was renowned for his effectiveness on the field, particularly in espionage and marking targets for the army to eliminate. You know what we want, and if you do not surrender, then we will happily walk over you and anypony else who stands in our way to get it". "Is that why you've come here?! "You may see her, young Spike, but take heed. Unbeknownst to them, a Changeling disguised as a tanned yellow pegasus stallion, replete with a brown mane and tail had walked into town, and was quietly observing them. "Thank you for your gratitude Sir Light." Additionally, I have information you may want to hear.". Asked Shroud, preparing his mind to take mental notes, regardless of length. "I see somepony is eager!" However, the former could not help but wonder why if Luna was so badly affected that she allowed the Nightmare Forces to take her over, then why did the same not happen to Twilight? Angel tried his best to comfort her, not knowing the reason behind his master's sorrow. I mean, I know Twilight was only looking out for us and she was worried for me but the way she barged in with no proof to back up her reasoning, I couldn't tell whether or not she was trying to destroy the wedding or shatter our friendship.. "I'm shaking like a leaf. Even though he was going to have his flank handed to him, the last thing he would ever do, under pain of death, was defy his princess. The alicorn started crying, her stubbornness finally failing. Back at the castle, Princess Luna was holed up in her private quarters, furiously trying to win a game of Team Slayer on Halo 3's multiplayer, the game being set in the map Valhalla. Applejack barked angrily. "Your Majesty, may I present Snake Bite. Everypony has learned from their mistakes, not least the girls. This was the latter's ultimate redemption. Taking a deep breath, Spike proceeded to talk. ", "No ma'am. With no words, he awaited his orders. Still, her mindset was very much like Spike's; it remained to be seen if the Mane 5 regretted their actions at all, therefore now was the time to prove it. ", "It even got to the point where Twilight had to make a problem herself." Still, somepony had to say it, and it fell to Rainbow to take up that mantle. Then it hit him. Can you take care of things here?". "Well, there was the time Twilight went crazy about her friendship reports to Princess Celestia. "If you think I'm gonna surrender, you're dead wrong Chrysalis. I knew I couldn't trust you, yet I let my merciful nature get the better of me! Under our leadership, there was peace throughout the land, nary a trace of conflict or discord to be found outside. "I.Oh Luna.I don't know why we left her. ", "Of course we do!" She tried explaining to her friends, but they dismissed her concerns as mere wedding stress. A storm was crashing down upon the Black Widow's Peaks, rain as thick as glass soaking the jagged mountaintops. Replied Luna respectfully. ", "And anyway, that's what friends do!" Rarity opened the bakery door to find what looked like the twisted body of Rainbow Dash lying in a grave she had dug herself, not to mention it wasn't exactly a neat job either. "Anyway, shall we get onto discussing the plan?". Celestia remarked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. Whatever my sister asks of me, I will not hesitate to fulfill.". ", "Yeah Cadance, I'm fine. From the numerous cracks and windows that dotted the structure, a sickly green light glowed, with trace amounts of smoke rising from them. It was my own darned pride that led me to abandon my loyalty. Thinking quickly, Chrysalis turned to her Changelings to rally them. The girls fell into an uneasy silence. With a sigh, she chose to come clean. In a sudden rush of sheer and profound joy, Twilight's suspicions about the Fake Cadance were finally cemented with her discovery of the real Cadance, because if she were wrong about Fake Cadance being evil, trying to defend her case would be a foal's gambit. Oh, and by the way Twilight. That much was clear. She is a mare now, not a foal. ", "That's OK Rarity. I chose to go with the flow rather than get shouted at for believing you before getting left alone as well. Do you want me to cast this protection spell?". Chrysalis made no response, physically or otherwise. But that was the thing. "Twilight and Spike left, my bride hates me and called off the wedding and now I'm left to wonder if I really deserve to be Captain of the Royal Guard and be with Twilightmy LSBFF, the pony I loved so much and missed every day before she returned". Fluttershy whimpered anxiously. Applejack replied. It never has and it never will, for as long as my heart beats, my brain thinks and my allegiance lies with you. Designed and coded by knighty & Xaquseg - 2011-2023, Privacy Nevertheless, if Twilight was happy, Rarity was happy. The difference here was that while Twilight was wronged, Spike was as much part of this disaster as Princess Luna was. "Let me see my sister captain." With no time to lose, he headed off to carry out his orders. We have gone through much deliberation together, which led to the conclusion that because of the girl's collective incompetence, along with that of my husband-to-be and my aunt, Twilight would have very much gone to her death, followed by the ponies of Equestria. Discord Replied Skoula, having taken some time to analyse the proposal. "The operation should take 8 hours maximum, but it is currently unknown what kind of defensive capabilities the enemy possesses. You must let me go with Cadance. ", "The point here, your Majesty" Night Light continued "is that our daughter was the key to stopping the invasion before it ever began. Meanwhile, Pinkie had also just woken up. "It will not help Twilight if both Night and myself are turned to the dark side. One did not, and that was Rarity. I want you, ALL OF YOU, to get out of my house at once. The dreadful events of the rehearsal were still eating away at her heart, not least that of Shining or any of the other parties involved in the fiasco. Said Applejack soothingly. And if that isn't bad enough, ya did not even say sorry to Twilight. "I slept just fine. We may either succeed and conquer Canterlot, or we may fail and be evicted once more, but once thing is for certain. For the fourth time in a row, silence fell over the room as the Mane 5, Shining Armor and Celestia looked at Cadance in shock and horror. Replied Velvet, making room for Luna to enter. Beside him at the war room table was Commander Alkaios of the pegasi, and Commander Maugrim of the unicorns. The only reason we supported the wedding was so we can welcome Cadence, ours and Celestias own foalsitter and niece into the Sparkle family. At the same time, more dive bomber teams will hit the enemy's archers, attacking them from behind before entering the castle. The Twilight Time Lord, Adventurequest Worlds : Twilight the Hero. Back at Sugarcube Corner, time had ticked away since the girls had arrived. my commanders are deploying their troops to assist construction efforts and seek out any Changeling stragglers. One would expect her to take it maturely. To support them, specifically assembled and equipped pegasi teams will also dive bomb the castle in an attempt to defeat the two princesses, Celestia and Luna. A search party found their commander frozen solid. Cadance wasn't done though. Velvet and Night looked at each other, shuffling anxiously as they did so, before deciding it was best if the former explained what happened. Celestia will retaliate, and it will be her intent to destroy us as a force once and for all. With a sniffle from her snout, she fixed her Stetson and turned to face Cadance, a look of firm and hardy readiness on her face. It was supposed to be the happiest day of his life since the day he had met Cadance. "Hello Twilight." However, teams of my pegasi will dive bomb the Guards and engage them from behind, allowing our troops to move in and finish them off.

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