Lets look at what each of these characteristics means. and . By May 2015 I will provide a variety of opportunities for parent/guardians to participate in http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/leadership_360/2013/03/principal's_role_changing_says_metlife_survey.htmlThis article highlights the many roles that a principals play in order to successfully build the relationships needed to navigate a school to a superior status. Assistant and vice-principals may set the same goals as the principals or may set others that more closely reflect their responsibilities within the school. All of the other hats were important and vital to the school success, but a positive school culture was imperative and in turn "enables the other areas to also achieve noteworthy outcomes. We have new staff on board at our school and changes have been occurring. How do you plan to measure your progress? Work with supervisor to set long-term goals. <> 10. It can be used for multiple goals or one and provides a concise chart for you to use to guide your learning. When I think about the changes we have made with CCSS, it has really helped us to up our rigor in our instruction, along the same lines TESS has really been a useful (although time consuming) tool to guide teachers to use best practices and help them to become reflective! The goal samples that follow include reference to the actions to be taken in order to meet the goal. 1. Educational assistants need practical strategies that go beyond simply 'helping' and instead. There is also an optional template for recording your own administrator goals. (1)Full Name:(2)Country:(3)State:(4)Address:(5)Sex:(6)Occupation:(7)Amount needed:(8)Loan duration:(9)Loan purpose:(10)TelephoneEmail Us:(majidvijahlending@gmail.com). The professional development plan is an essential part of your evaluation process (McGreal, 1983). Become an expert in your domain. Ask coworkers or professionals in your network about recommendations. The first survey (Nov. 2012) will gather and identify baseline data. Plus, thinking in the back of your mind that a goal is impossible may be demotivating. A wide variety of measures may be used for Administrator Goals and goals that maintain a sustained focus over multiple years are encouraged. Measuring things with metrics, often as a way to communicate your value as a professional or team. To streamline the scheduling processes at work and increase my efficiency, I will look into digital scheduling software, choose one, and digitize the process within the next month.. By May 2014, there will be a 25% decrease in the number of detention assignments based upon first quarter numbers. Setting clearly defined goals for your business - and yourself - is important because it gives you a reason for doing what you are doing while maximizing your chances for success. We must help our positive staff members stay positive and grow them as teacher leaders during a time of change. %PDF-1.5 Being an expert in Excel can greatly boost your employability and future job prospects because its a popular and very useful tool used to analyse data for companies. Take on the responsibility of leading a team. Network and make new connections. The time-bound factor of a SMART goal will hold you accountable for making progress and it will help you with breaking down your bigger goals into smaller pieces. Professional with strong work ethics searching for an Assistant Principal position at WBC High School, to take on the . !)hf6FsppM.F; PSk Plus, as passive ways of absorbing information, youll be able to learn as you, say, go on a walk or wait for the bus. Setting goals that are SMARTspecific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-boundcan clarify what you need to achieve in the short-term to arrive at your long-term goals. Heres what each of those components mean: Specific: Goals should be well-defined and unambiguous so that you know exactly what youre aspiring to. Responsibilities of an Assistant Principal. Process/Exemplars: The following pages illustrate a six-step process for constructing administrator goals, followed by examples of goals from elementary, middle, and high school administrators. To broaden my opportunities for advancement, I will complete my bachelor's degree in business administration by ______.. Shared leadership! "We say we value collaboration, but what do we call kids that collaborate on state test?" We struggle with bus discipline as well! The annual salary of an Assistant Principal ranges between $75,607 and $101,35 7. 10 Examples of Performance Goals. 9VXf14bVP4qtq;$S>=>[g H\e@Lx M4FI-3U=r*(\XqQ#$~vIv,}b-5;mMd!*0t`>}1eC:z'wyqLz2 I will earn any credentials I need through a Paralegal Studies program, get an internship with a reputable law firm, go to legal networking events, and practice my legal writing skills to meet this goal. Principal Standards - The Texas Principal Standards are aspirational standards that inform all phases of principal . Read more: Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: Whats the Difference? You have been placed in your current position to lead change (even if it is only taking care of discipline), and change lives! 4.3 #3: Gain Feedback. Here are ten examples of professional development goals to inspire your own: Growing professionally often means expanding the arsenal of things youre able to do. I am a HUGE MAPS fan!! She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and a Masters Degree in Social Work. The assistant principalship is one of the most misunderstood and pivotal roles in our schools. Measurable goals also help you: Organize and prioritize work, even when work gets busy. Here is a list of 21 personal goal examples to help you develop your own goals: 1. Vision Alignment, Talent Management, Goals and Rewards, Motivate Employees, Leadership, goal setting, Communication, Leadership Development, Onboarding, Coaching, Recruitment, Management, Social Skills, Influencer Marketing, Leadership Dynamics, Team Management, Team Building. 2. The principal secures the funding required to make technology purchases and then must see to it that teachers understand how to use the new technology and incorporate it into lessons.http://www.principals.org/Content.aspx?topic=55757After reading about the changing role of the principal, I wanted to read something that pertained more specifically to my role as assistant principal. Many schools have assistant . http://www.nea.org/assets/docs/PB09_Leadership08.pdfThis article was originally part of an NEA policy brief from 2008. Some workplaces have mentoring programs in place that make it easy for people to connect with a more experienced professional. 4.2 #2: Familiarizing Beforehand. In addition to understanding what is expected from them as individuals, administrative assistants need to know their departments larger goals so they can write their own goals and prioritize their tasks. It will help you get more done with your time so you'll have more accomplishments to show off at the end of the day. Accountability has to be from the top down and not from the bottom up! If your goals are on track with their goals, you will be on the right path for growth within the company and you can make an impact on the businesss success. The above examples are one-sentence vision statements. professional . The article talks about principals not being just managers of a building and staff but about being an instructional leader which is aligned with the role of a principal today. Partnered with parents, teachers, guidance counselors, social workers, police and the court system to improve . "Global Skills Report, https://pages.coursera-for-business.org/rs/748-MIV-116/images/coursera-global-skills-report-2021.pdf." student learning goals. As I have grown into my position I have found it very beneficial to go back and read things again! 2. For example, large school districts often have instructional coordinators who help with data analysis and with teachers' professional development. I got to sit and eat luch with them. This example may be better for the more visual learner. As I stated earlier, the gentleman does not have the best delivery, but the nuts and bolts of the message is very strong! Being satisfied as a professional doesnt necessarily mean striving for constant achievement and earning promotions. Supporting other employees. Help you become more productive and efficient in your work. Performance standards define the criteria expected when principals and assistant principals perform their major duties. But either way, if you are an administrative assistant, youre likely to be considered a jack-of-all-trades who can handle a variety of office management tasks while also supporting higher-level employees. I read Mindset several years ago, but I don't think I was ready yet to fully internalize the meaning and how it impacts students. However, as the SPED designee in my building i spoke with our SPED PLC and we are trying to get down to a more intimate understanding of how our departments relationship is with our parents. "This was a very interesting presentation. For many assistant principals, the move to the role comes straight from the classroom, the counseling office, or a dean position. According to ZipRecruiter.com, the average pay for assistant principals by state varies from $54,751 to $77,478. Measurable: Goals should have a clear way of identifying whether youve achieved them, or if not, how close you came to them. Increase decisiveness by outlining exactly what's important. I really wanted to share this because as administrators and our changing role as an instructional leader or learning Leader we face both of these types of change on a regular basis. John Spacey, October 12, 2018. * developing a stronger awareness of each teacher's strengths and areas for growth through daily classroom visits, planned and informal discussions. Think about your main interests. When she is not writing, Connie is either spending time with her daughter and two dogs, running, or working at her full-time job as a social worker in Richmond, VA. 2023 Oldtown Publishing LLC 479 State Route 17 N This makes me think of the "No More Valentines" article from Morgan L. Donaldson in the Educational Leadership journal from May 2010.More to come, 9. The job I have now not only allows me to branch out away from the managerial task but expects me to do so and I can say that as an assistant principal I welcome the new opportunities. 47 Examples of Smart Goals. S: The goal is to improve teacher feedback scores by 10%. A career path is a sequence or series of job positions held leading to your short-term and long-term professional goals. Professional Experience I'm posting a short, but thoughtful article. 7O&Y{=lUPC$kH3 K>#5ek=yS5!M ' K=-WW{3R`t>~Hb If you're in a large district, you might chart a path within your district. But they only make sense as an employee . You need a metric of some sort to be able to measure where you are now versus where you want to end up. Maintain 100% I-9 Form compliance. Goal: report customer satisfaction to show the value of service improvement initiatives. Beefing up your credentials can open up new career opportunities or clear a path to a promotion. Goal-setting is a useful exercise because it can clarify what you really want out of your career, and identify tangible steps to achieve it. Achievable: Setting a goal that you can realistically achieve is key to actually achieving them. As the hub of the organization, it often falls on you to do things to bring all of the employees together. When establishing personal goals, it's important to develop attainable and measurable goals to determine your progress towards these goals. Ultra-SMART: "Today I will write 500 words about the power of love between 10am and 2pm, and will find 3 accredited, scientific sources to backup my argument.". professional improvement, and increases principals' involvement in the evaluation process; and a support system for providing assistance when needed.ii Essential Components of PPES Clearly defined professional responsibilities for principals constitute the foundation for the Principal Performance Evaluation System. I agree that the role of the principal is ever changing but I hope that building relationships with all the different stakeholders will always be a central role. Our district has been very proactive and only gives the MAPS assessment based off of the CCSS. While often referred to as a secretary and thought of as an entry-level worker, administrative assistants are actually some of the most valuable employees because they are the ones who take action, get things done, and are proactive in helping the company achieve its goals. MAP Is a computerized testing system that is given three times a year to students. This content has been made available for informational purposes only. principal self-reflection, goal setting and ongoing professional growth. Having SMART goals will help you make the most of your time in your current position to prepare you for greater responsibilities in the future. Second order changes are the larger changes (examples: PARCC, TESS, CCSS) where the leaders are hearing people say why should we have to do it differently, for years this worked, we dont get any input. But as leaders, we know we have to help make this type of change happen because it is in the best interest of student achievement. Take leadership training. By April, 2014 there will be an increase of 15% in the number of students scoring proficient on the ITBS. This is when you love those speed boats that will help clear the way for the cruise ship. SMART GOAL PART 1: By December 20, 2013 100% of Tillery RTI students who are 2 year's behind will have completed intervention documentation as measured/evidenced by MAP assessment, Dibels, DRA, Benchmark data, and teacher assessments. In the past I have read a professional article once, set it down, and never come back to it. Plus, theres evidence that links job satisfaction to higher productivity and less turnover in workplacesbeing a happy worker is likely going to benefit your company too [2]. MAPS allows teacher much quicker feedback to adjust their instruction. I developed an "RTI for SPED" form that allows us to re-examine students whose placements are not working as the should be. Courses can be directly related to your work responsibilities, but this might be an opportunity to challenge yourself to stretch yourself in new ways. SMART Goal: By May 2014 I will collaborate with the science PLCs to design effective lessons through Understanding by Design and create common assessments to be used department wide.Two (2) UbD Units completedTwo (2) common assessments per quarterHave evidence of PLCs using students results from at least 4 common assessments. Improving your time management skills is another example of a professional development goal you can work towards. endobj S: This goal answers the questions of who, what, when, where, and why.M: This goal is measured by the number of people who are responsive to the communications.A: This is an achievable goal.R: If the company takes the time and money to host an event or create a publication, they need it to have a great first impressionwhich is where the initial email or invitation comes in.T: This goal has a specific deadline of the end of the year. Become a thought leader. Be picky about how you spend your time. Lets take a look at some examples of SMART goals for administrative assistants. Training programs for administrative positions often focus on the role . As an educator and a parent! Because of this, you can add practical and strategic value to the operation of the business, which can then help boost the success of your long-term career. SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. AP and Manager set developmental goals with a focus on where the AP will be at the end of the year and where the AP should be at the first check-point of the year AP and Manager unpack the underlying competencies, technical and adaptive skills that will set the AP on a path towards development to the stated goals Here are 10 performance goal examples: 1. For a role that is considered "second-fiddle", an Assistant Principal is paid well. It's definitely an encouraging book and it is a great reminder to all of us that we need to continuely pursue integrity at all times, no matter how difficult the circumstance is.Enjoy!Stephanie. Goal setting and feedback are the key for leadership to improve student learning.10. Looking forward to hearing some good ideas. Not just EVALUATIONS, but feedback. A: The extra time is a commitment, but not out of reach. Excellent! This will help keep you motivated throughout the process so you can count on achieving that big goal at some point down the line. 90 Days -. In-demand skills across the job sector in 2021 included cloud computing, data analysis skills like artificial intelligence and SQL, management, and UX design [1]. The coolest thing about it, is my SPED team loved the idea! I did an online search and found the YouTube video titled Marzano Research Laboratory: Dr. Marzano on 2nd Order Change. Phone: (260) 414-5234 | [email] 191 Addison Road | Fort Wayne, IN 46801. However, when you keep adding 10 pounds here and 10 pounds there, it adds up rather quickly! Smart Goal #1 Math By May 2014, 70 % of all students will meet their growth goal in math, according to Measures of Academic Progress.Smart Goal #2 Literacy By May 2014, 50% of all students will be on grade level in literacy according to Measures of Academic Progress. While his delievery is a bit dry, he has very good insight.More to come. like it. 3 0 obj 4.8 #8: Get a Certificate or Degree. Principals must find specific leadership stratgies that work for their building. Learning more about your field through various medialike books, podcasts, and news publications, to name a fewcan enrich your understanding of the context around your work and inform you of ways to improve. Use the 80/20 Rule to evaluate time and/or task management. Read more about setting SMART goals below. I will take a course in Excel by the end of the second quarter to increase my efficiency in creating weekly updates and reports for the company.. SMART Goal - By May 2014, there will be 2 surveys sent to the parents of Old High Middle School special education students to determine parental satisfaction in their participation in their childs special education meetings. Explain your progress, ideas, and ambitions to management. The engagement book is for my leadership group. Intellectual Property Watch. When we face more than six initiatives we get frustrated (seems very common in my opinion)I read Mike Schmoker's bool FOCUS. Improving this skill can have a great impact on the companys revenue. <>>> Sample Principal Professional Development Plan District Name School Name Date Clearview School District Gladwell High School May 16, 2014 Principal Name Chief School Administrator/Designee Name Plan Begin/End Dates Joseph J. Donnelly Sarah Joyce July 2014 - June 2015 1: Professional Learning Goals PL Goal No. Timely Others typically focus on what has always worked in the past, but administrative assistants are in a position to make improvements to those existing processes. These goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. As a building with only 2 grades, BM results come in after half of our student body is gone to the next level. cluster is Professional Capacity of School Personnel, Professional Community for Teachers and Staff, Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community, and Operations and Management. Without a deadline, you will also lose a sense of urgency. I agree with Lindsey that a good mantra is "APs must refuse to wallow in the discouraging aspects of the job and instead generate a positive energy that is so contagious that others are inspired to excel.". We have also worked to make our RTI more effective/systematic. Sample PDP Goal Statements 2013-2014 Statements without "as measured by" I will learn about and implement differentiated formative and summative assessment techniques to enhance my knowledge of my students, to evaluate student progress and performance, and to modify my teaching strategies, so Get hands-on experience in your field. I guess in a non professional term we are looking to see "just how we are doing at OHMS." It's hard because we have been teaching CCSS and adding those benchmark standards in. Data analysis, project management, or UX design courses may give you the skills you needbut consider other fields like creative writing, public speaking, or foreign languages that can deepen your work in more unexpected ways. The assistant principal resume sample provided here, for example, introduces Marion Smith's professional goals before exploring her past work experience. What skill you choose to develop can depend on your industry, job, and personal preferences. We will be redoing our RTI packet this summer and this is something we could also add to that process. I got to hear Doug Reeves speak when I was at the Solution Tree PLC Institute. States are chanching their views on this. I'll be interested to see how it serves as a predictor of success on the actual PARCC. Organize professional development programs, conduct teacher performance reviews and participate in classroom instruction and observation. Here is a snapshot of average assistant principal salaries: Glassdoor.com: $88,585. It is those 2nd order changes that are sometimes difficult to defend unless you have great support from the top down. But keep in mind, setting too many goals at once is easily overwhelming, so figure out which goals are your top priority and start there. These examples are just a drop in the bucket of what goes in a good plan. Conflict resolution skills can help you foster strong personal and professional . PRINCIPAL, K-8 SCHOOL. kFh;m^7ho? 2 0 obj Instructional leader responsibilities have increased in all areas and are extremely different in the area of technology. 4 Examples of Professional Development Goals. This will be measured by the number of people who RSVP to events or open publication emails.. Explore Bachelors & Masters degrees, Advance your career with graduate-level learning, What Are Professional Development Goals? J[g`(814$SIt*lig7N.|T0o]W';Wb{bJ`4E# You can also browse job descriptions of positions youd be interested in pursuing; the common skills listed will help you get a sense of whats in-demand in your field. Here are some concrete goals you might aspire to: Read two books in your field in a quarter, Listen to one podcast on a relevant topic a week, Find 10 experts in your field on Twitter to follow. While in an administrative assistant position, youre in a great place to continue your education because youre able to see how different departments work and potentially find your niche or passion within the business. Develop skills by taking online or in-person courses, shadowing a coworker, going back to school, among other ways. We also have the ADE survey completed by parents during the annual review conferences. You may set goals for an internship that help you explore areas of interest or those where you have little experience or knowledge. Seeking an Assistant Principal role to help create a . Unlike your dreams for the future, your specific goals have detail and depth that answer the who, what, when, where, and why of your vague hopes. For example, if your goal is to become a principal, you'd typically start as a teacher and work on your administrative credentials while teaching.

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assistant principal professional goals examples