Peter nods fervently. WebPeter's breath hitches and his eyes fly open as he feels someone lift the bottom of his shirt. Lets go find mom and say goodbye before I head out. As they walk out he glances back over his shoulder at Peter, gaze softening slightly. Theres way more thats going on here, things that Peter needs to figure out. Peter nods in confirmation. Or, someone.. His eyes were huge and they flicked around the room before landing on Tony. Now, a few hours later and his stomach was once again grumbling, alongside the unused adrenaline flowing through his system. WebPeter is a little touched starved. "Did they treat you guys well over there? A small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 9. Its a long story.. "I'll take you there." "I kinda see it, but I kinda don't." Tony winces at the words before he can stop himself, but keeps his face carefully blank and impassive. Neither of them had realized that it was Ben that they shouldve been concerned about. Yes he got to hug her in the mornings which was enough to barely hold him over. + He pulls his head off Thor's shoulder and grabs the offender's wrist before the oversized garment can be raised above his waistline. Not Peter was still a little out of it and his adrenaline was running out. Turning back to Peter, he speaks in a soft, fond voice that Steve never realized Tony was capable of. Almost all of the Avengers were in the room, one holding a gun and one with a knife. Literally nothing could be held back. Enjoy it while you can before Infinity War comes out, folks. "Oh," the boy breathes, hands raised in a position of surrender. I feel like it'd be a bit hypocritical of me to deprive him of that." She furrows her eyebrows. Clint was clenching and unclenching his fists. WebPeter let his face fall and looked out the opposite window, away from the cabin. "I know it's a really short notice, but I thought it'd be good for us if I could go. Peter had been through multiple foster homes, but nobody ever wanted him. Whatd I do now? Peter asks, sitting up as Steve smirks. still murder You're too young.". physically gone or if he was in some kind of coma somewhere. a murderer then-- well, Peter didnt know how he felt about this so-called Raft and the fact that he was being held in some facility. + The first thing he noticed as he was limping through some country he doesn't remember the name of is how blank everyone's skin was. 5. It absolutely can hurt, and what I do or dont want my daughter to do is none of your concern, Rogers, Tony says definitively, only for Morgan to snort and wrestle herself from his grasp. ____________________ The door to his bedroom is ajar and he can see May in the kitchen from where he is, but that doesn't really matter. A gleam enters Mr. Stark's eyes, hard and unyielding. Father Figure Natasha added, her contempt evident. Chapter 12 Peter swears he would have listened to her discussion if he didn't already know the lesson. left kudos on this work! Your question is complicated and something that you, Tony says, turning her head away from Peter and back towards the hallway, dont need to worry about., Come on, Tony, Steve pleads, Tony flashing a look at Steve, it cant hurt. I got time, Peter deadpans, Sam looking up at him only to let out a small huff of laughter. What happens when you can't save someone in time? Chapter 11 Actually, everywhere throbs with what's most likely blossoming bruises. "Stop bullying me! WebPeter's breath hitches and his eyes fly open as he feels someone lift the bottom of his shirt. He can't come and go as he pleased like Ms. Romanoff. Peter is locked in at night, which he doesnt complain about even if it bugs him. WebAfter losing his dad, his friends, and his Aunt May, Peter Parker is trying to move forward with his life despite the grief within him trying to hold him back. Tony sighs. As he and Sam ride the elevator in silence towards the rest of the residence, Peter mulls over the possibilities. Happy rolled out of the driveway and Peter turned towards the rearview window, watching as Tony went back into the house. Chapter 4 There are twisted people that you would never be able to fathom. Steve looks conflicted then, pressing his lips together in another tell that Peter knows well. Why do you look like Peter?, I Look at me kiddo. He could barely get any air in his lungs. "You're fine with that, right? knows means that its something that he can push on. "Even then, do you seriously think I haven't tried to quit? WebPeter huffed, arms crossed to his chest. You need to breath ok?" That had always been his alibi, anyway. Im saying that Id rather It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. He places a hand on the gun, slowly guiding it down to point at the floor. Out of the corner of his eye, Wanda nods mutely. Oh shit. "Stop that, Wanda. world were just as united-- though in the opposite direction, agreed on how dangerous Parker was and the validity of having him be locked up presumably without even a trial. Something was definitely wrong. Chapter 13. for The curiosity isnt quite enough for him to ask directly though, Peter telling himself that its unlikely Sam or Steve would have answers anyway. 7.3K 155. by StarkStevePeter. Sams voice is odd, slightly strained as Peter walks beside him-- trying to think of what he could say to potentially pry more information out of him. Steve looks conflicted then, pressing his lips together in another tell that Peter knows well. You The ones who take advantage of others purely out of enjoyment. Peter isnt sure what it does, but if he had to guessgoing by Parkers current position which hes certain they both could easily break out ofit must somehow limit his powers. Steve, had some other things we had to take care of.. Code for, I'll find another way to avoid this question later. world were just as united-- though in the opposite direction, agreed on how dangerous Parker was and the validity of having him be locked up presumably without even a trial. as well as WebPeter Peter "Peter!" was besides the point, he thinks as Sam opens the door to his room-- Sam pressing in a code that Peter didnt quite catch in full. Wanda looked like what he was trying to say finally dawned on her. Heck, he rarely went to Brooklyn, and there wasnt even a river for him to cross to get there. "Excuse you, I'm a teenager!" "I'm not an avenger. "I thought you didn't take interns. WebPeter flinches violently, his hand releasing said arm with a jerk, as if burned. You lied to us, Mr. As the two of them playfully banter back and forth, Peter smiles and nods-- eyes roving the Compound for any kind of familiarity and keeping a mental map of what it looks like in his head. I'm sure you saw it." What's up?". Steve laughs at that, Peter smiling at the win as Steve nods towards the books on the shelf that Peter had meticulously uncovered before placing each book back where it belonged. Sam studies him for a moment as he finishes patching him up, Peter wondering for a beat if hed really fallen for it or if he was just letting him play the part as Sam carefully replies, Its more complicated than that., Doesnt sound all that complicated, Peter says with an honest huff as Sam starts to clean himself up, putting away the tools hed used as Peter continues, Sounds like I snapped and murdered a bunch of people., Sam winces at that, Peter going with his gut as he presses forward, Had to be kind of shitty if you all believed I did it., "Hi, Aunt May," Peter greets tiredly. "I need to be able to keep an eye on him. look through the books-- rifling through them only to be bored because half of them had been on the summer reading list that Midtown gave and the other half being books that MJ herself had recommended for him to check out. I'm open to anything though I can't promise I'll write them immediately. Swinging to the top of a small apartment building, Peter rips the mask off of his head. Happy rolled out of the driveway and Peter turned towards the rearview window, watching as Tony went back into the house. I saw him die for me, right within reach. He calls May every night, and Tony often comes over to check on his progress or tinker with whatever he's working on all day. Its a sign that Peter knows from his own Steve that theres something he disagrees with, some kind of argument that Steve had decidedly lost-- something that Peter and one time Peter scared the Avengers. But you all have to realize that your actions have consequences. He was back in his room. Its mid-morning the next day. He had people he needed to save. Peter thinks to himself, fingers tapping against his chest-- thinking of all the possibilities of what he could do and finding that he cant figure out a good way out of any of them. ", Peter could see a hint of realization in Mr. Wilson's eyes, but he didnt quite grasp where exactly Peter was heading. "This is your room. WebPeter was always very open to the others. "If anyone asks you who you are, you're a new intern working for Tony." I've seen you rub at it every day for the past two weeks. As if hed known he was standing there before hed even looked. Are you kidding? I'm not going to hurt you, or Aunt May. This whole thing started when I stared into the lifeless eyes of my uncle. Chapter 8 Not bad for a holding cell, Peter tries to joke only for his smile to fall when Sams eyes get cloudy-- realizing that its a profoundly bad joke to make considering that Parker actually When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. Even Loki and Thor knew everything about him. Steve snaps into action, moving forward to stand between Bucky and the younger. Youre definitely Peter alright. He grunted softly at the impact. " Sam laughs at that before Peter just raises an eyebrow as he says, Come on. "Aww," coos Natasha. On the other hand, there are many who want him punished, and even more who want him dead. Sam's gentle smile became a knowing smirk. Not quite laughing, but giggling, suppressed and high-pitched. "Do you understand why I hate you?" Tony will kill me if I let you go outside right now., Im with Steve on this one, Little Pete, Sam pipes up from over the others shoulder, looking apologetic but firm. being jailed. He shoos Peter off to his workspace before taking off after her. I still want to meet them! Peter had been through multiple foster homes, but nobody ever wanted him. Completely ignoring Tony, she strides back over, approaching the younger boy and resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. He'll be gone in less than a month.". From the way hes interacted with him, Peter had just guessed that it wasnt in this Tony-- that maybe something had happened that made him standoffish, that maybe Parker had reached out and that the Tony of this world was just profoundly uninterested in him. kept Mental and physical pain. Don't answer that. Maybe whatever Parker had done-- however hed killed those people-- meant that they were trying to protect Peter from him. For as long as I had known, I wanted nothing more than to kill you with my own hands because of what you took from mefrom us. look through the books-- rifling through them only to be bored because half of them had been on the summer reading list that Midtown gave and the other half being books that MJ herself had recommended for him to check out. We just, Steve clicks his tongue, an action that reminds him of "I though we were closer than this. If May was sick in this world, something shed briefly had the possibility of being only for it to shift-- it stood to reason that there was more nudged around that Peter could figure out. ? Why isn't it healing?" "No offense, Mr. Rogers, but in today's battle, I, as Spider-man, incurred the least damages, saved the people that the destruction you caused would have hurt, evacuated the people from the building you decided to destroy with no warning.

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