The spot marked as T in the map hides another treasure-dark helmet and dark armor. You will end up at the spot marked by the white circle: The chest has 100 gold pennies. You will need it to complete another quest later (side quest no.19). 2. Enter the peninsula and refer the white arrow in the map to find your way to Sedona. Dont worry about the demon inside-Agas, he wont harm you unless you talk to him. If you choose the first option, then you have to return to Devins cottage in the wildwoods and the game ends. You are transported near another cave. You will find footsteps on the snow and the screen shaking after every 5 seconds. For leveling up, I personally found the troop of four rats inside the cave in the wilderness providing the maximum amount of experience points in that area; so you can level up fast. Visit the northern kingdom forests and then into the mines. Buy all the spells from the alchemist shop and select them from the inventory to make Lars learn them. Exit the cave and follow general Binx. She will be relieved. Refer the peninsular map to find the location of the nightingale. Keep walking northwards till you find the harpy. Cross the bridge and exit through the cave passage. Then talk to him. Buy some runes and exit the shrine. Go back to Tidbit and give back the voice box to his brother Bini. Talk to him and watch the events. Talk to the queen and give her what the mountain king has asked you to. The enemies are very strong here, use dizzy doll or sleep flute or your entire team may get wiped out at a go. Get back to Ghedahre. In Ghedahre enter the house just beside the church. Go south this time; retrieve the haunch from the chest on your way and carry on to the cavern exit. The Elite Mage guild is located here, if youve not already joined the necromancer guild then you can join here. See what happens. The map shows where are the chests and our point of interests: Explore the area on your own, the enemies and strong and they cast sleep or silence spell, so equip the star amulets. Theres a vampire and a chest in there. Each cubicle has a note on the wall. The chest beside the sun shrine yields a traveling rune to the Aveyond. After killing him you will get Dreamers Tear. Open the chest on the island to find a salmon. Keep walking from the signpost near the mule express in the snow forest towards the eastern direction till you reach the exit to the world map. The answers to the note are: I hold the sun, the moon, twilight and day rise-Blue, I bring love to your heart, roses to your cheeks-Red, My light fills your days with warmth and joy-Yellow. Now walk back to the point from where you exited the wilderness and walk northwards. to trigegr this quest you must have already been to the thieves cave sotuh of sedona. You are in Oldwoods. Enter every house as you may find chests and talk to every one in any village as they give you important items, side quests or hints; I will not mention it always and assume that you do so. Climb down two ladders till you reach a small chamber. The in-game event will be triggered automatically and a secret passage is revealed. We need to fetch the cloak of undying loyalty if youve chosen the climbing guide when you rescued the last druid. Starting at the gate, walk up north, Walk to your right near the inn, cross the fences and keep walking to your right till you reach a blue roofed house (old mans house); go north from there and then to your left is the shadow wood academy. Exit the cave through the northern passage, climb up the stairs, walk west and enter another cave. Explore the Blasted Lands before reaching Thais. Each active party member gains one level for free. It contains a black hide whip. 2) The wildwood forest grave yields an auquifolium on digging. Cross the bridge and keep walking till you reach a ladder. Ean's best friend Iya suddenly disappears, and his . But when the moon arises, so does the beast, what am I? Solve dozens of adventure puzzles and explore an enchanting world. Proceed towards the north of the village and you will come across another chest containing haunch. If he changes his armor, the creature will disappear from your party. Aveyond II: Ean's Quest is, strangely enough, the sequel to Aveyond I: Rhen's Quest. Watch the cutscene. 3.From the Title screen, select New Game. See the various spots marked on the map to collect the following items from this area- magic kettle, 1 cover balm and 3300 gold pennies. Now we need to go to the thieves cave (refer the peninsula map for its location). Exit through the passage and you will be out in the open. Explore this area, you will find a toad and a blue chest. Get the acorn from the chest after you enter this area. You are presented a ball puzzle. Go to your left first and ascend the ladder into the cave exit onto the next area. (there is a bug in the Build 2 of Aveyond 1 where if you plant the seed the boat will not take you to the other side and move about randomly. I wont give the details of exploration but will give you the items retrieved from chests and dirt piles. Travel up north and then to your west from a bifurcation. Go past the mule express to enter Thornkeep. Enter the cave entrance. Enter the snow forest you see before you. Use the rune to get back to Thornkeep and exit the snow forest to the world map. Aveyond Studios on Discord Our Discord server has hundreds of active users. Watch the events and the game ends. Head outside the tea cup town and follow the northern passage to your left. Then only she will give you her lamp. You will find the skudder location on the peninsula map. If you land on the pirates market then dont forget to buy the pick lock. At this point you can visit Thais but the enemies are too difficult for your partys level, so we will come back over here later. Climb it to find a blue chest. There are three rats in total. Buy armors for Elini and buy lots of hp and mp healing items. The enemies are very strong here. This goodie is included in the later part of the game and need not be downloaded. Climb up to face your first boss-Nanghaithya. Remember the location of this area as Toad (for future ease of recall) because you will need to come back here later. Keep walking to your right and on your way get the chest from the area shown below to get 1 cassia leaf: Carry on till you come across a switch on the wall. You can explore on your own here and then exit Thornkeep. Go into the cave and follow the path till you find a chest. Now we will advance for our next quest. Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit) CrossOver Games 10.0.0. You will see another chest. 17). The first house from the entrance has a blue chest containing the treasure map (the one we found from the T mark of Blasted Lands). Now exit via point 9 in the map Y. You will also find the other items from the chests scattered over there: 653 gold pennies and 1 beast repellant. Fight the banshee queen and after that you will see that she dropped something. Buy a spell each for Lars. Elephant garlic can be found from a grave in Halloween hills (you must already have that in your inventory if youve followed the walkthrough). Go to Lord Gavins ballroom and give the chef his truffle (you will receive 1000 xp for this deed). The next day wake up, wear the wedding gown and go to the Throne room. We have 145 questions and 226 Aveyond answers. You can use it for only one of them. You have to be fast and walk in the passage when the ball is moving away from you. 3) Use your newly bought boat to travel to Lands End. Enter the mauve colored tent to upgrade your weapons. Follow the arrow direction. Walk up to the temple and touch Daenas soul to his statue. He seeks to do this by using his demonic allies to capture the druids who can unlock the Sword of Shadows and by sending Dameon to enlist Rhen's trust. Go up the first ladder and enter the cave-the next area has a chest containing 640 gold pennies. The dizzy doll will inflict madness on a single enemy. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest relies on either sequences of events or ending choices for its Party Relationships. None of the thieves will talk to you, but your visit at this place will trigger another event at the Sedona palace. A bit further down you will find a cave. Ignore it for the time being and enter the cave to your right. Then again into another cave into the next cavern. Heal up and save before you face Saurva, the fifth boss. Follow the yellow arrow direction first. Sword of Light for Rhen.. You can buy a manor for 5000 gold pennies from him in Sedona. Now we need to return to wildwoods to rescue the first druid. You will land up in no. Enter and you will find three fairies. Select it from the inventory and you will find the speed of your party leader has increased. Get back to the door entrance and walk to your right this time. Episode 17 Getting the key for Manor in Sedona. Get back to the church room. You can also upgrade your weapons and star amulets. There are many guilds all throughout the world and Lars can join a guild to learn the spells specific to that type of magic, but since he can only join one throughout the game, you should choose wisely. Select the love potion from your inventory and see what happens! Talk to Tiberius and Alora, you will be given two quests, but you can accomplish either of them not both (will be discussed later). Simply hold down the Ctrl and "F" keys together, and enter. He will give you a world map. Talk to her again and she will give you a quest (side quest no.41). Pick it up and keep walking till you land up in another area. Refer the screenshot to find your way to the next area: The next area has chest locations marked with white circles. Enter it and after climbing up the ladder Walk to your right. (NOTE: whenever you reach a new place, dont forget to buy new weapons and armors). Kill the red toad and exit the cave, you will see a rope on your left. Heal up and save before you fight. Finding the missing Truffle in Caves. That is what we are looking for-the cloak of undying loyalty. The book shelf at Time masters guild has a book page. Walk back to the entrance of the memory caverns and take the northern path, which will lead to another exit. Similarly the exit route in the next room is very simple, so go onto the next room. Go to Mysten far. Stop an evil queen from turning the world into ice, capture a dragon and ride the winds to ancient lands, unite the kingdoms and discover your destiny. Get 250 gold pennies from it and return to the previous screen. Your father will give you some instructions. He will join you at the same level as Rhen is at. Its the ogre lair. Buy some spell scrolls, but buy only one tornado spell as one of your party member will need to learn it. You can come back here whenever you are running short of gold pennies. Dig the spot to find a star orb for Lars. We need to go to the highlands. Lets get Tidbits quest done quickly. the location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. There you can dig up the dirt pile to find a cassia leaf. You need to fetch Lars again. if you have been there go to the king and see what happens. Enter it to retrieve the sword of silence from the chest. Now we need to complete these side quests one by one: Go to the tea cup town and talk to Lambchop. Open the chest to your left to get a covey balm. Follow the arrow direction in the map below to reach Veldt. Walk onwards and when the road branches out take the southern route. After the cutscene you will find your main character Rhen standing beside a narrow stream. Open it to get pomegranate seeds. Now she will ask you to find her son Lars. Before we leave the peninsula visit Dirkon (refer peninsula map or use the Dirkon rune). He will show you the way to sleeping dust. Kill the spiders and collect items/gold from the corpse. The passage to the north will be unlocked. On to the next area: Cross the bridge to your left and climb up the ladder then after. Since we dont have a pick lock we need not go there now. Talk to night elf who loiters alone and give him the root nectar. Exit the pillar and enter the next pillar named as Rootwell. Together with a few allies, your character must face terrible foes on a regular basis, as well as meet fascinating people and help them with their problems.

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aveyond rhen's quest walkthrough